new FTS version
Anyone bought the new version? It seems more geared for SNGs and less for cash players, and I like some of the things it has changed or fixed in the older version.
I didn't even know it existed until seeing this thread. I don't think I care about most of these new features, but FTS is the nuts, so I'll happily ship my $12. I assume you have to, if you want all future updates, some of which will be necessary...
===== Note for current users of FT Shortcuts: This is the major upgrade that we do every April, and you will need to purchase an upgrade if you purchased Shortcuts before January 1, 2008. The upgrade is free if you purchased Shortcuts this year. The upgrades are available on our page. You will need a new Software Order Code to unlock the new version. |
I want to support Gary, as he is always been stand up and FTS rocks. But I have been playing a lot of PLO lately and with the "top off" option now available from FT, it just isn't necessary for me right now.
It's $12. How much value have you gotten out of FTS in the last year?