Sports Bet Resource
I personally know the guy who runs this website. It hasn't been up 2 weeks yet. The capper is very intelligent and has been making significant income betting sports for nearly ten years. He has extensive knowledge and a great deal of research goes into his picks. He offers free plays quite often but also charges for other stuff. Just thought I'd pass it on if anyone's interested.
Get well soon, MCA! |
This dude certainly knows his stuff, in a division that is often over-looked, it seems like he makes easy $. I mean overall he's 30-17-1 since he started the site and really that's not the impressive part. It's more how correct he is with all his write-ups, and when the game doesn't go his way, he usually points out the scenarios that would have to take place in order to lose but thinks it's still a decent enough edge. Basically he's right on, even with the losses. The subscription for me has already more than paid for itself and I've actually made more that him, betting bigger when I have better lines that him and smaller when worse has paid off. First time ever I'm probably winning $ betting over a whole month.
"Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret" "Rome wasn't built in a day" |
Wow, cool.
Good shit. Next time I see him, I'll let him know you're happy.
Get well soon, MCA! |