Rakeback Calulator Alert!!!!
Apparently the above program is a trojan that steals your poker site passwords. For more information see the article on CardSquard.com:
If you've EVER used this, you've got some work ahead of you. |
Yeah, I probably should've posted about this. I've known about it for a few days. I told a bunch of people via PM who I knew had used it for sure. I'd never seen it mentioned here publicly, so I didn't bring it up.
It wasn't that much work, but still pretty scary. New passwords all around.
Get well soon, MCA! |
You were NOT infected, correct?
Surely there is a safe and accurate way to calculate this using just Poker Tracker and a query or two, right? |
Actually, after reading more into the issue, I had to show some hidden files and do a few other tricks and sure enough, I had the virus.
If you have ever used this program, there is a 99.9% chance you have been infected. If you used it and didn't find the virus, pm me for special instructions on how to locate it. As far as calculations, the best you can do with PT is an estimate. Unless, you want to get through 20k hand histories to see the exact rake in each pot, and the exact # of players in that particular hand. I'm going to try and look for some alternatives. |
me too
i was infected as well
That's the front runner. Have you tried it yet? Do it and compare it to your April figs to see how close they are.
This shit is fucking serious
This hacker was/is a matermind. This shit is direct from an antivirus company:
If you downloaded RBCALC and didn't change your poker passwords you are asking for it. |
That really is crazy.... Wow.