SnG rake/fee
What do you think is an acceptable rake/fee to pay for a SnG, or a MTT for that matter. I dont play many, but have started to lately. It seems the standard is 10% (20+2 etc.) Is this something you look at real hard or do you focus on other things as being more important (competition, bankroll etc.).???
I wouldn't worry about it much since it is the standard and your not gonna get to play without the rake. The only thing I would avoid is Party Pokers 5+1 games since the rake is actually 20% there, you are much better off spending the estra $5 and playing in the $10+1 games.
If aces didn't get cracked they would be writing books about me! |
I agree^ The difficulty level may be higher, (just assuming.. I haven't had enough experience with both to compare the two) but it's definitely worth it to just pop in the extra 5.
the fact that the difficulty level is the same should make it even more obvious that the 10+1 sngs are a much better deal on party. trying to beat a 20% rake is just murder, and over the long run i sprobably pretty damn close to impossible.
thanks, are there any sites that offer tournaments with a rake of less than 10%??
i haven't seen anyone with a rake less than 10%. it's pretty standard, but i don't have all the poker softwares so there might be some out there.