Hey pshabi - any emails from Party?
I do enjoy a lot of the content over at 2+2, but they do tend to freak out a lot, don't they?
So Pshabi, your flop thread made it clear you're running at least a couple of programs. Have you heard from them? |
Yeah, I've been keeping up on it too.
#1 - I run PokerTracker and GameTime+. These programs seem to be okay (for now). The people who are really worried are those who are using the PokerEdge program. That's the one that party/skins are starting to give some static about. A lot of people hate the fact that they are sharing data amongst users. I'm not that crazy about it myself. #2 - I don't play Party/skins anymore really. I just cleared my 2nd bonus at Party last night and I took all my $$$$ out. Before that, I hadn't played their in 2 months. I'm not worried in the least, but some people are definitely freaking out.
Get well soon, MCA! |