Currently In Two MTTs...
Im currently in two MTTs, and in good shape in both. First break just started for both, as well.
PokerStars - Tournament: 5121722 $3 Buyin (SHUT UP ABOUT IT) Stack: largest 17621, smallest 155, average 3436 Your current position is 54 out of 816 Time bank balance is 60 seconds in 13 min blinds 100/200 PartyPoker SuperQualifier 239342 Avg. Stack: 1956, Mine: 2150 If you're bored, come by. I need someone to talk to.
Pokerstars Tournament,
Current position: 2 / 568
on PS
whats your name? and which trny?
Out of the Party Tourney. Got hurt w/ a blind steal (w/ KJ) holding a medium stack. Blinds were high.
Stars: Current Pos: 4 / 360
1 / 258
7/179, putting me in the money.
Not getting anything resembling a hand.
Just took a huge beat. Had 2 pr, enemy had a sneaky set. Your current position is 100 out of 147 This is why my tournament game sucks.
Out. What a loser. 120-something.
Nice try on the steal. Oh well. See you at TP MTT.
That would be my luck: trying to steal someone's blinds when he holds AA. LOL.