Playing 50/30 in .25NL -- the results
As I said in the other thread, my friend and I agreed to clear our Party bonuses by playing VPIP>50 and PFR>30 in .1/.25NL.
My final stats were VPIP 51.5 and PFR 34.4 over 1500 hands. Average players per hand was 5. This was so much fun! I really enjoyed choosing which flops to continuation bluff on. The players were terrible at adjusting to the manic pre-flop style. Some seemed not to notice and would continually call pre-flop raises and then fold on the flop. And others would start calling me down and re-raising me with absolutely anything. It took about 4-5 hours to clear the bonus in all (playing between 3 and 6 tables) -- I feel pretty exhausted . PT shot attached. (and go France tonight!) |