Am I finally getting it?
Well even if I got toasted at the 5/10 level, it appears as if something has sunk in. My Poker Tracker Rating has slipped out of the passive realm to a TA-N. For those of you who do not use the PT Rating Systems they give a nice icon that shows you what type of player you are playing against. In all of my time playing I have always been various stages of Passive Post flop. What the TA-N rating means is I am tight Pre-Flop. I do not play marginal hands here. I am also aggressive Pre-Flop. I will not limp with AK, etc.. I am always raising my good hands to maximize profit pre-flop.
The part I have never been able to get under control is the third number. I am now upgraded from Passive to Neutral. I think this is a good step for me. I beleive it is because I am folding a heck of a lot more, and check-raising alot more when I am pretty sure I am ahead. The third number is basically a ratio of how many times you call/check vs bet/raise. In case you did not know calling and checking are usually bad but not always. If you do it as much as I have in the past you never maximize your profits and always pay people off. So to recap: Getting better as a player at least statistically. If you want to get a copy of the Poker Tracker Hand Rating Systems I have two of them up on my site: . The widely used one is BisonBison's from 2+2, and the other one is a slight modification of that system that alot of people are using. Just download the textfile you want and import it into PokerTracker. Good luck! |