Bubble insurance for stt's?
This is for TP mostly, but anyone please respond (except Fildy, he will come up with some witty flame obv!)
I was just wondering if you/anybody would calculate and offer insurance on standard sng's? It seems like a good idea, but obviously you arent able to take advantage of this all that often in mtt's. Meaning, a good % of the time, you are already out, or you have a big stack nearing the bubble and it doesnt factor in that much. It seems to be advantageous if you are nearing the bubble and are short stack or at/below average stack. In a standard, sng (9 players) the bubble play is huge and you are in the mix of this alot. So if you had bubble insurance, once you hit 4 left, you are in the money but they dont know that etc etc...... I'm not sure if this is possible to make it +ev for both sides, but if it were, it would seem that someone like Kurn/StinkyDevil who is grinding alot of these could take significant advantage. Thoughts? |