WTF? Possible PartyPoker Scam...
... not initiated by the fine people at PP of course. Here's the email I just received:
Dear Aequitas58, Greetings from PartyPoker.com. Click below to reset your password using our secure server. Once you have returned to PartyPoker.com, we will give instructions for resetting your password. Thank you for visiting PartyPoker.com! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our Customer Care Department is open 24/7 and we look forward to serving you. Sincerely Yours, Lucy Jones Customer Care Manager Party Poker +1 (800) 852-4719 (Toll Free from US/CAN) +350 50509 (International Charges Apply) Two things make this a little bit sketchy: 1. Party has never asked for my password before, and it seems a little odd that they are requesting "password assistance." 2. Whenever I get an email from Party, the sender's name is usually something along the lines of "Rajesh" or "Nadir" or some other clearly-Indian name. Lucy Jones? I don't think so. Anyone else get this email?