Beat: I live close the lake in north east Milwaukee, we got a little more than 16 inches of snow yesterday.
Beater: do to a unfortunate series of events, best described as 2008 taking a giant turd over a few of our good friends and neighbors, I am currently responsible for shoveling out 4 houses. Beaterer: around 9pm last night when I thought I was done, I got a call from a single mom I know to help her shovel. She lives on a corner. So I went over there and dug out her two sidewalks and driveway. Beatererer: Got up at 5:30 and dug everyone out after the wind blew all night and the plows fucked up everyone's driveway. Then I walked my kid to school and finally I think I am done. Beatest: my back, arms, and shoulders. Brag: I don't live in that laughingstock of a fucked up place known as FL. Over 16 inches of snow, digging out 5 house, in Milwaukee for christsake, and I still think TP and RD are tools for living in FL. |