Played Some $.5/1 with Someone Named BrandiRose
Playing at pokerroom last night, I notice the user name BrandiRose at my table. I couldn't contain myself. The first thing I said to her was "Are you Brandi Hawbaker, that crazy bitch?" to which she replied, "Some think I'm crazy." I only played with her for a couple of minutes, but I asked her some entertaining questions like, "What did FullTilt give you for those pictures?" She said "a couple of tourney entries, but certainly not $100k" and "how long did it take to bust Newhizzle's account," and she said "It's not like you know all the details."
Right after I said that, she busted me set v set, AA v TT on a A T 5 flop. Just thought it was an entertaining story to share with ya'll.