PT/PAHud Performance Tips...
So, my PT was taking FOREVER to import hands, and my PAHud has been acting really goofy recently too. It would take a long time to populate tables with player data, and sometimes it would do one or two players but not all of them. My stats were taking a LONG time to show up, etc...
It got bad enough that I spent some time digging and playing around tonight, and I'm happy to report that things are going MUCH faster for me now. So, if these problems sound at all familiar to you, here are my suggestions: 1. In PT, if you are using the "Auto rate Players" feature when importing, BE SURE that you are not auto rating yourself. Go to your stats and check the "Do Not auto rate this player" box. 2. Better yet, forget about #1 and UNCHECK the auto rate box in the import window. If you do a lot of datamining and have a large DB, unchecking this box will speed up the import process tremendously. If you use the ratings icons, simply run the auto rate thingee manually once in a while. It's slow, so kick it off before you go to bed or something. 3. Make sure you have your auto import window properly set up to MOVE processed HH files after they are imported. I assume most people have this set up correctly, but once in a while, you may want to peek in your HH folder(s) anyway and make sure there aren't any files "stuck" in there. I had 4 relatively large files that didn't want to go away. They were locked by something, even though I wasn't running PT or any poker clients. After a reboot, I was able to delete them. 4. In PAHud, remove any filters you have. The more you remove, the better the performance seems to be. The MAIN one that you need to remove is the one that says "Show Stats From the Last _____ Hands Only" - I figured using this would INCREASE efficiency, but it turns out this significantly slows things down. The same goes for the other check boxes on the Filters tab. Making these small tweaks has helped the performance of PAHud on my computer tremendously... If any of you were having similar issues, hopefully this will help you too. |