Deep Ft tables and PAHUD
Does anyone know how to get PAHUD to recognize the deep tables at FT as 6-max and not FR? My display is all wacked out and I can't figure it out.
PAHUD guy said he would need to make a new beta version to address the issue. So I guess for now you have to fix the 9-max setup to where everything is actually aligned for 6 players. I did it, thought it was fine, and then the next time I logged in it was off again. That was enough for me to go back to regular buyin games, probably until they can fix it. I like the deep stacks, but it may not be worth it when I can play the regular games without issue.
thanks for the info. I am going to give them a whirl without PAHUD and see what happens.
Playing without PAHud???!!!
without PAHUD and without PANTS!!!!!!
Well, sure, that second part is standard. But without PAHud??? Are you CRAZY???