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BrianSwa 11-26-04 11:43 PM

Talking Poker T-shirts
I want to elaborate on this T-shirt idea that was in another thread now Im not syaing we should all be a team but I like this forum and wouldnt mind supporting it :D . So here is the idea I had, I was thinking we use something like the green Talking Poker logo on the front of it on the pocket and the same logo on the back of it but bigger then maybe under that have a fan of cards like the royal flush or something else if anyone else has a idea for something why not share your idea.

ChipFish 11-27-04 01:20 AM

Don't make them tacky....
A simple golf shirt with a logo on the breast would suffice.
Just my opinion.

Talking Poker 11-27-04 02:00 AM

I haven't seen the "other thread" yet, but I will throw in my 2 cents here.... If people are interested in shirts, I'd definitely think about having some made. I have a way better logo to use than the one you see above though (just a different font and color) - just haven't gotten around to redesigning the header graphic yet. Anyone out there with solid Photoshop (and Flash - see ) skills want to donate a little of their time to do some graphics work for me???

Anyway, the much cooler logo is what I had printed on my poker chips. I'm going to bed now and will be gone all day tomorrow, but I'll scan a nice close-up for you guys on Sunday sometime.

BrianSwa 11-27-04 02:35 AM

hey boss

that sounds cool and I for one would be very interested in it so just let me know if you can get them together and id be happy to pay for it and wear it on my monthly trips to the B&M casino.

Penguinfan 11-27-04 07:40 AM

I can get you a deal
My father prints t-shirts as a small private business and has all the equipment to make some VERY nice shirts if you want. I can get you the friends and family discount I am sure (I know the owner).

PShabi 11-27-04 10:18 AM

We need something really cool here...
I brought up the idea originally (so bow down) so I'll throw in my 10 cents worth (pun intended).

You don't want them to be tacky, but we need something with a little swagger. I'll be wearing it at the B&M every time I go. Be cool to wear in the 100 man tourneys there that I plan to start frequenting.

It'd be cool to come up with some semi-cocky slogan that would make people ask what does that mean? Something clever that would bring attention to the shirt and the forum.

Let's get creative and come up with something and make sure that we get as much input from the regulars as possible.

Please, make sure they don't have any NASCAR type feel to them though. I can't stand bowling/pit crew shirts worn by some of the pros out there.

Oh yeah, and tie dye might be something cool.

BrianSwa 11-27-04 01:43 PM


boss guy is out of town today, he has everything worked out so when he gets back he can give you his idea's he has and stuff thanks for all the input guys.

Aequitas58 11-27-04 03:06 PM

Ok - no NASCAR type shirts, but you want tie dye? Yea it would be cool - if this was a "legalize marijuana" forum. LOL. I think the tie dye is difficult if only for the simple reason that it's hard to get a good font which READABLE against all the varying backgrounds.

Aequitas58 11-27-04 03:07 PM

I'm assuming these shirts would be free? It's killer publicity - especially to the B/M casino crowd.

BrianSwa 11-27-04 03:16 PM

omg come on

man you cant afford a shirt give me a break he is already giving you free money for posting about your hobby now you want him to give you clothes next thing you know you will be asking for food stamps.

ChipFish 11-27-04 03:48 PM

Tie dye???????

Please tell me you're joking!


BrianSwa 11-27-04 04:06 PM


yea i dont think the tie dye is a good idea either plain solid color works better dont want to have flower power!!!!!

PShabi 11-27-04 04:37 PM


Aequitas58 11-27-04 04:41 PM

- Yes, I can afford a shirt.
- I'm not asking for free clothes.
- I promise, I will not ask for foodstamps.

Here's my thinking, ass:
TP is being very generous - giving away absolutely free money to promote his website and to make his presence know. I have already profited from the money he gave me. I thanked him for the money, told him I would keep posting, and plan on posting here even after the free money offer expires. I'm not trying to get more out of him - c'mon a tee shirt!?

That being said, you have to realize that a tee shirt is a GREAT marketing tool. Cigarette companies, beer companies, and just about any company you can think of puts out advertisement-ridden clothing. Do they do this for fun? No... it makes them money.

If I were to wear a TP teeshirt at the casino, it would reach hundreds on ONE TRIP. At the poker table, in the bathroom, when I have a cigarette [even though I quit!]... etc. [Not to mention advertisement at school, among my friends, etc.]

He might decide, even WITH this free money offer, to buy a bunch of tee shirts: how many would say, 25 shirts cost??? Maybe $50 bucks? Under $100 - definitely. He might understand what a good tool the shirt advertisement is. He might understand that this reaches an audience who would like to open poker accounts. And finally, he might understand that more people would ask for a free tee shirt than buy one. And what does that mean? More publicity.

Or, he might think like you, and decide that I'm just being cheap - and I'm just looking for a handout.

jillaj 11-27-04 05:15 PM

You make a solid point. They would increase the visibility of the site. That being said i would pay 10 dollars or around there for one.

BrianSwa 11-27-04 05:31 PM

point taken but im posting absolutley free so dont start with me and id be happy to throw a few dollars to him for a shirt since no-one uses his links and he is lossing out big time. I figured when starting this thread that everyone wouldnt have a problem paying a couple dollars to help out someone that is doing so much for everyone else. Only read half your post since you give me a headace, so if i stated anything the contridicts what you wrote sorry.

johnbaker 11-27-04 09:55 PM

yeah i have a lot of experience in flash and photoshop, id be happy to help out.


omahilo 11-28-04 01:07 AM

I would chip in a few bucks for a shirt... I would wear it to the university, home games with friends, the local poker tourneys I play... that shirt would be seen by alot of people. Just make sure the shirt isnt cheezy.

Aequitas58 11-28-04 02:42 AM

Sorry I make you sick.

Defendant 11-28-04 03:08 AM

Point 1)


Point 2)

Prize: I dont think TP should charge us anything to make himself a profit, but I wouldnt mind one bit covering his cost in making them (no profit mainly because were helping to promote his affiliate links by wearing them, so he gets indirect benefit off of them too)

Point 3)



Talking Poker 11-28-04 11:27 AM

Sorry... but no way. This site has cost me PLENTY of money so far (did you know the software for this forum was $160 alone, not to menion web hosting, paying people to post and on and on and on), and it looks to only be costing me more. If I am ever going to break even (TBD), it's going to be a long ways down the road based on the amount of play through my affiliate links so far (which I really do appreciate!).

Yes, weaing a tshirt to a casino - if people do (obviously I would have no way of making them do this) - would expose the name to a number of people and a few of them might even check it out. Of those that see it on a gie trip, I'm thinking no more than one would create an account at the forum here. Realistically, that shirt is going to have to be exposed to... oh.... 2000 or more people before I earn a penny from it (someone sees it, reads it, remembers to check out the site, and then actually signs up to a poker site through my links). I know that number sounds crazy high, but I don't think it's all that far off. It might even be low.

As for 25 shirts for $50.... that would be nice, but I don't see that happening either... not if you want a half decent shirt, anyway.

And regardless of the cost, isn't it always easier for a bunch of people to kick in a small amount of money than for one guy to pay the entire bill? Maybe I'm only saying that because I'm the one guy, but I don't think so. Even the big poker sites don't just give you free promo material - and they have it made in BIG TIME bulk and get it dirt cheap. They also stand to profit a lot more from it, since they make money by people playing there and don't require the big extra step it take for me to make any money...

In summary, no, these shirts will not be free. That's not to say you won't be able to earn one for 1000 posts or something like that, but they won't be falt out free...

Penguinfan 11-28-04 11:32 AM

If you get me a logo and some kind of basic design you would like I can gt a sample made and post it here with a price for everyone to check out and then we would have a better idea of how much this will cost.
Shouldn't take more than a day or two to get a sample made.

Talking Poker 11-28-04 12:38 PM

I'm not even sure what kind of shirts we are talking about.... Tshirts would be cheapest, of course, but personally, I'd much rather have a classy looking golf-shirt with a nice embroidered logo on it.

I'll email you a logo anyay and see what you can come up with..

If people are interested in a more fancy design, let's see 'em. The person who comes up with the best design would of course get THEIR shirt for free :D

Anyone who wants a copy of the official logo to work with, email me and I'll send it to you.

jimmym 11-28-04 01:33 PM

Scrap the t-shirts and go for baseball caps with a talking poker logo, more suitable and more use.


Aequitas58 11-28-04 01:47 PM

We disagree about the upswing (from the advertisement) but whatever. I can see where you're coming from.

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