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jdiana86 01-19-06 05:57 PM

freeroll bad beat
i have 88 go all in, get called by 22 and 72. the flop comes x72 turn x river x
...just glad it was a freeroll or i would be steaming:eek:

left68wing 01-19-06 07:02 PM

lol I'm sorry but I stopped caring as soon as I read the title of the thread

FatRufus 01-19-06 07:11 PM

thats not a bad beat, your money was in pre-flop

Zybomb 01-19-06 08:13 PM

what??? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Talking Poker 01-19-06 08:18 PM


With the best hand, no?


FatRufus 01-20-06 05:59 PM

just because u have the best hand pre-flop and lose that doesn't mean its a bad beat

Talking Poker 01-20-06 06:10 PM


Would love to know your definition of a bad beat if it's not the best hand when all the money goes in losing.

FatRufus 01-20-06 06:37 PM

It's not a bad beat if

1) You had a chance to fold or win the pot early

2) You could have played the hand diffrently

3) You got Greedy

4) You know deep down the guy was capable of doing something stupid but you went ahead with the bet or call on the river.

5) You know whatever he beat you for means nothing to him (example) Your playing a dollar ante game with your friends on a saturday and the guy whos putting beats on your is Rich or Drunk ..... YOU KNOW he does not care if he wins or loses .....Its free will your choosing to gamble with him there will always be better situations to get your money in on.

6) Your already playing on tilt.... If you flop Aces full and some guy catches runner runner runner for quads it's not a bad beat IF HE know's your on tilt because he's gonna call you anyway that's why it's important to keep a cool image at the table.

7) I truly believe in free will if you flop a monster and at the end it's almost the nuts and someone bets into you with the nuts and you call and lose it's not a bad beat you still have the free will to fold and live to fight another day.
math wise folding may be wrong but sometimes deep down you know your beat even when math says to call. The question is do you have the heart to fold when you JUST KNOW your beat.

8) I know i'm beat but I'm calling cause I should is not a excuse I'm sick of hearing people say i know i'm beat but I call..... DAMMIT lay it down If you get that burst of ESP and know your wasting your money then don't DONT DONT DONT DONT

I'm at a point now where I don't believe in bad beats anymore. 99 % of the time after replaying a hand over and over and over and over in my head I can figure out a way I might have played the hand diffrently and then it's not a bad beat to me anymore.

Yes there is that 1 % like final table heads up guy goes all in KK in front of you and you have AA and you get sucked out on. But really how often does that happen. Think about it.....................

thats what govman wrote and i belive most of it is right. And if you think about the hand a say its a really tough loss not a bad beat.

I relize hes about an 80% chance or winning pre-flop but when i read this i relized it doesn't really qualify as a bad beat or at least not a severe one. stuff like that happens all the time. agree to disagree

FatRufus 01-20-06 06:38 PM

i also relize some of this doesn't apply cuz he was all-in pre-flop but i still dont think its a bad beat

Robbie Robb 01-20-06 06:51 PM

All I can do here is refer you to our good friend define: @ google:

I think the first entry pretty much says it all:

A hand being beat by another hand that had a very low percentage of becoming a winning hand.
courtesy of:

Here endeth the lesson.

Talking Poker 01-20-06 07:01 PM

Well mayo, I don't know what to say. I completely disagree with you, as does about 99% of the rest of the poker community. But, to each their own.

jdiana86 01-21-06 01:52 PM

freeroll bad beat #2
i am in the money with around 25 left...get pocket aces and am called by JJ and KQ...they both suck out on me once again.

another bad beat to place in a ring game ak sucked out on my pocket kings

holdemstewart 01-21-06 02:56 PM

How was is NOT a bad beat? A bad beat is losing a pot when the winner had a very low percentage chance of winning.
88: 84.12%
72: 4.2%
22: 9.3%

Bad Beat

jdiana86 01-21-06 04:08 PM

Another Suckout?
i TOOK the money won from the freerolls and tried some micro limit hold'em..02/.05 .5/.10 stakes. I managed to take the $4 and build it up to around 7-8. the 'suckout' came in the form of my opponent making a flush on the river. his cards were suited pair'd with 3 of the community cards. the pot he took down made a big difference as to my results today, and instead of boosting my roll, it put a dent in it.:mad:

jdiana86 01-21-06 07:32 PM

hehe another badbeat aaaaahhhh
that last of the money is gone...i had 4 got into an 11 pot kq beat my aks ...the other hand i dont remember what it was but i think i had him beat. the kq made a flush on the river with one of his hole cards.:(

FatRufus 01-21-06 07:43 PM

not a bad beat lol wow what an idiot

jdiana86 01-21-06 08:01 PM

well it may not be a badbeat but i got in with the best of it:p

Talking Poker 01-21-06 08:10 PM

It was most definitely a bad beat. He was calling the guy who said it wasn't a bad beat an idiot.

FatRufus 01-21-06 08:13 PM

lol TP got it right, sorry for the indeceisiveness in the post. thats really sucks on that bad beat jd. go get 'em

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