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Hawt 01-08-06 04:37 PM

Vince Young enters 2006 Draft
Just saw it on ESPN, he declared himself eligible for the draft. Wonder who he will go too? My guess is Jets or the Saints. I think the Jets will take Matt Leinhart since I think he would fit better in their system, where as Vince Young would be a better fit to replace Aaron Brooks.

PShabi 01-08-06 04:55 PM


I thought it was Houston, New Orleans, then Tenn? He's going to Tenn.

Hawt 01-08-06 05:22 PM

The Draft Order I looked at most of been outdated.

Aequitas58 01-08-06 05:58 PM

I was talking about Vince Young last night at a home poker game with someone who's very big into football - it's almost his addiction. He thinks the Young will end up with the Titans.

FatRufus 01-08-06 06:16 PM

I say vince young goes to saints. He would fit in good with that system. Houstan wont even think of taking young, he wouldn't do well there.

kmb13592 01-08-06 07:23 PM

I think the Saints will not want to build their franchise on another black quarterback and will therefore take Leinhart and then how could the Titans pass up Young, so I think Young will be a Titan next year.

Gordogg 01-08-06 08:01 PM

Are you really this stupid?

omahilo 01-08-06 09:15 PM

Vince Young will be going to the Titans I do believe...

Bush will go to Houston then I believe The saints will end up taking Leinart because he is the better QB than Young. Leinart could end up being like Carson Palmer while Young could be from the range of McNabb (good passer, good runner, very good QB) to a Mike Vick (Bad passer, makes lots of mistakes but will make some amazing plays that will make people forgot he is a average QB at best).

I also feel Young will be a great fit at Tennessee because he will be learning under Steve McNair, who is a veteran QB who use to be pretty good. McNair teaching Young the ropes will be the best thing for that kid.

kmb13592 01-08-06 09:21 PM

I don't think my comment was stupid at all. I think it is actually very insightful and very true. Can you explain why you think it is stupid, becuase I am not at all being racist.

PShabi 01-08-06 09:24 PM

The fuck you aren't.

By stating that they wouldn't want to build around another "black" quarterback, you insinuate that him being "black" factors into the decision.

Actually, that is what your inferring.

Gordogg: The answer to your question is obviously yes.

Gordogg 01-08-06 09:43 PM

What pshabi said.

Please explain why skin color is a factor?

Aequitas58 01-08-06 11:30 PM

Someone ban this kid please.

Talking Poker 01-09-06 01:29 AM

"Insightful and true???" Please give us any reason as to WHY you would think such a ridiculous thing. Did you hear this somewhere - at one of your Klan meetings, maybe? Do you know someone who works for the saints General Management? Or are you just an idiot?

If none of the above, please do explain "other."

Hawt 01-09-06 02:23 AM

Wow. Just wow.

Edit: To get back on topic,

kmb13592 01-09-06 03:10 PM

You talk about taking the best talent available, but there is more to playing quarterback than having talent. They have aaron brooks and noone here can say that he does not have an incredible arm and a lot of talent, but he failed. Do you think it's a coincidence that the only quarterbacks running a no huddle offense are white. And look at Vick, he's got so much talent but the guy has no idea how to be successul in the NFL. The white quarterbacks are smarter then the black quarterbacks, PERIOD. Don't call a racist because I can get pages of facts to back that up. Vince Young had a rough childhood and did not get a very good education, and therefore is not that smart. Don't aruge the truth and don't call me a god damn racist just cause I got the cajones to speak the truth. Come up with a decent argument, and then get back to me. I got nothing against Young or blacks, but facts are facts.

Zybomb 01-09-06 04:11 PM

Didnt he get the same education as everyone else in the University of Texas did? Or for that matter the same as the white kid who grew up next to him in the slums?

And what does any of this have to do with football? He obviously has a HS education and a college one as well... what does that have to do with running a no huddle offense

An arguement you could of made is that the saints dont want a scrambler at QB and they want a good pocket passer with great field vision.... black QBs in general are scramblers, white qbs in general are pocket passers.... that would make somewhat sense, but this babble simple does not

kmb13592 01-09-06 04:28 PM

Look at Peyton Manning, he has a great arm but his best quality is his brain. He reads defenses and runs his offense like nothing I've ever seen before and in order to do that you do have to be smart. And how can you not admit that people out of the slums do not get the same education and ultimately are not as smart as those who are not.

Hawt 01-09-06 04:45 PM

Not everyone from the slums is black so your defense is shit. I guess you have never heard of Roland G. Fryer or any of the other genius African Americans who have had rough childhoods. But then again you are an idiot so I wouldn't expect you too.

Just stop talking while your behind man. Hopefully you'll be banned soon enough.

Zybomb 01-09-06 04:54 PM

Ok and like I said what part of reading defenses, and running an offense is learned IN SCHOOL?? Or for that matter uses anything you'd learn in the suburbs as opposed to the inner city?

And I asked how Vince Youngs Texas education was different than Stewart Goldstein's, the white jewish kid from Beverly Hills's Texas education when they go to the same school

I also asked how Vince Youngs HS education was different than Jason Schultz's education who lived next door to him, went to the same school but was white

kmb13592 01-09-06 05:15 PM

First of all you do not become smart in college, so that is completely irrelevant, and I have no idea who Jason schultz is so I can not comment. And it's not that you learn to read defenses in school, but you learn common knowledge and most of all you leanr how to learn.

Zybomb 01-09-06 05:19 PM

Its a made up person who lives next door to Vince growing up and went to his HS and hung out with him-- so how is he diferent than Young, bc he's white?

You learn common knowledge and you learn to learn? That stuff is not taught in school

Talking Poker 01-09-06 06:21 PM

You sir, are a racists. "Facts are facts."

You are entitled to your opinions, but consider this a warning to keep your racist comments off this board.

And for future reference, if you ever want someone to take your seriously, instead of making ridiculous gross generalizations, maybe you should learn to back up your statements with facts.

What I wonder is if Aaron Brooks were white, would you have said, "I think the Saints will not want to build their franchise on another white quarterback..."

kmb13592 01-09-06 07:08 PM

I do believe I am right, and am no racist and that there is a lot of logic behind my point. However I realize this may have offended people and I apologize for the comments I respect your wishes so I will refrain from posting anything like this.

And as for Young I guess we will have to wait and see.

thrash1294 01-09-06 07:14 PM

I'D trade my momma for vince.

Arizona would be a good spot for him.With the new stadium and all they are looking to spend Money they could trade up.But titans is the best bet.

PShabi 01-09-06 07:26 PM

Making a blanket statement, based on race, is fucking

What pages of facts can you supply? Really, I can't wait to read the pages of facts that say black quarterbacks are smarter than white ones.

You probably believe that your smarter than every black person don't you? That's what you're saying. Whites are smarter than blacks. There's a couple of 4th graders at the school I teach at that are black and they've got you beat hands down.

You remind me of a buddy of mine who was so fucking thick I couldn't stand it.

He'd say, "There's good black people and then there's niggers. There's good white people, and then there's white trash."

Then he'd swear to no end that he wasn't being racist.

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