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drewjax 07-28-08 10:23 PM

Scott "the mouth?' Matusow

I saw a link to this at FCP (the only other forum I really frequent).
I figured it would be entertaining, in the train wreck sort of way, but honestly the guy is interesting/entertaining/opinionated.

He has a live radio/webcam show several nights a week. He plays poker some of the time, and talks his way thru it, saying 'dude' every other word, lol. But often he talks about other stuff. The other night there was discussion about politics, particularly the electoral college. Last night, was an interesting religion debate. He pretty much knows the bible front to cover (who woulda thunk it?), and definately isnt afraid to voice his opinions. But he is also cool in that he is the first to admit that they are his opinions only.

Anyway, its worth checking out imo.


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