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Talking Poker 11-07-04 03:20 AM

Tonight's $1400 river card...
So, I was playing in that NL home game that I described in my last that you guys seemed to enjoy - $2 and $5 blinds tonight. I won't get into all the background on this, but believe me when I tell you I had worked very hard all night setting up the two players who I thought were better than me (these guys are very, very good players). I had shown them what I wanted them to see, and especially how I was capable of making big laydowns to substantial raises (substantial meaning in the $200 neighborhood). This type of thing won't work on the average player, but I knew it would on them. Eventually, I was going to have the nuts and they were going to push in on me.

I even got the one guy on tilt - and he doesn't go on tilt very often.

And then it happend... the perfect situation... the hand I had been waiting for.

I'm the BB, and I look down to see QQ. UTG player (the one who got me to fold two big hands to his large raises earlier) calls with KcJc, next player raises to $15 with AQo, next player calls with ??, good player who is on tilt calls with Ac8c from the button, SB calls with ??, I decide to just call and take a look at a flop with a nicely disguised hand, and the KJ calls the raise as well. The player to my left was even kind enough to further disguise my hand by saying something like how could I possibly fold considering these pot odds.

Flop comes Q72 with 2 clubs - Top set for me. I check the nuts, casually and uninterested, KJ bets $25, AQ calls, fold, A8 calls, SB folds, and I call. Turn is an 8. There is a pretty big pot now and I still have the nuts, so I bet $60. KJ raises all in ($190ish), AQ folds, and A8 goes into the tank, debating his call for a while. He seems to be paying no attention to me (perfect) and only studying the all in player. He asks him if he has a set of 2s. Oh, how I hope he does. After much though, he calls. I recheck my hole cards, see they are indeed still two red Queens (I wasn't dreaming), and I push in. $310ish more. The pot is monstrous at this point, and the A8 calls. He turns over his nut flush draw, the KJ sees he is drawing dead, and I show my top set. The A8 has exactly 4 outs: 13 clubs in the deck minus the 2 on the board minus 4 in their two hands minus the 3 that would pair the board and give me a full house = 4 outs.

So naturally, the river card is the 4c, and I lose what was right around a $1400 pot.

Ouch :(

Penguinfan 11-07-04 12:23 PM

So people suck out for a few hundred too, I thought it was just the horrible fish across from me at Party!!

Tuff Luck 11-07-04 02:58 PM

Damn man that's a hellava bad beat with that much dough on the line...

Talking Poker 11-07-04 08:47 PM

A few???

bigjohnstud2o 11-08-04 03:16 AM

what the hell.......did you go on tilt afterward???? that is awful

junYUN 11-08-04 04:51 AM

holy shit, that's a hell of a lot of money to be playing with. i can't even imagine laying down that much cash in a $1400 pot. but, you did have 3 queens, TOUGH to lay it down.

Aequitas58 11-08-04 07:48 AM

I'm a calm person by nature, but I would have to leave the table after that one. Shake it off and say "muthafucker." Next time, he pays you off.

So, is this a bad time to ask for more "posting" money?

GeoffM 11-08-04 08:27 AM

That really sucks, and that is one monster if a pot for a "home game". I think the CIA/FBI/Local Police Department would be very interested in what goes on behing your closed doors :D.

That is why I won't play no limit at home games, or on line in general (except tourneys, of course). I hate being sucked out on, especially when the sucker makes a horrible call and wins.

Penguinfan 11-08-04 01:24 PM

If they don't make horrible calls and win sometimes, how will they make horrible calls and lose money to you?

GeoffM 11-08-04 01:44 PM

Good point.

However this is why I find myself playing limit more often than not. In limit, players are much looser, and therefore when the horrible beats occur, I know that somewhere down the line I will be able to take down a 5 or 6 way pot with the nuts and have callers to every raise I put in.

bothecorgi 11-08-04 04:22 PM

That sucks. Last night, I was playing online and got pocket Qs. I raise 5x BB and one person calls. Flop comes up Q and 2 lower cards. I go all in and other person calls with pocket As. No A comes up so I win the whole pot. Unfortunately there was not as much money in my pot as yours.

Talking Poker 11-08-04 06:57 PM

No, I went home.... to avoid tilt, just in case.

Talking Poker 11-08-04 06:58 PM

"Tough to lay it down?" Are you kidding me? I had the nuts! I had the two of them drawing to a combined FOUR OUTS! I doesn't get much better than that. If I had another $1000 sitting in front of me, it would have gone in the middle too.

Kidd7138 11-08-04 07:05 PM

Hey he's got a point, the nuts are pretty hard to lay down. :p

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