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Talking Poker 10-10-07 11:28 PM

Why does God hate Lee Watkinson?
So, I'm watching last night's WSOP (Final Table Part 1), and I have to tell you, I didn't realize God was so interested in poker tournaments. I always pictured him as more of a roulette Guy.

So anyway, when Lee Watkinson pushes a massive 10 million chip all in bet in the middle with A7o and Jerry Yang calls with A9o (I'll let each of you decide which play was worse), both guy's respective "camps" immediately go to God to I guess reshuffle the deck. I mean, the action in the hand was done, the cards to follow have been predetermined by the dealer's shuffle, yet here's Jerry Yang asking Jesus for help and Watkinson's fiancé demanding, "Father make me a believer!" (Strange that a woman of such obvious Faith would choose this particular situation to insist that God prove his existence to her, but let's ignore that for the time being). She went on to say something I couldn't quite make out: "Jesus.. something something... a wicked man (???!!!) shall not prosper" - I don't know what it was, but it was pretty clear what she was asking for - she wanted a Divine Intersuckout.

So anyway, Jerry's hand holds up, Lee goes home, and I'm left sitting there... staring at my tv... wondering why God hates Lee Watkinson.

Seriously though... nothing against people having faith and being religious and all that... but as a society, haven't we gone a little overboard when we are asking God for help with river cards in poker tournaments? I mean, isn't He busy with more important things, like deciding which football teams he likes better, and which 9999/10,000 wanna-be rappers should fail miserably and not win Grammys?

Disclaimer: I haven't finished watching yet, so if there are better examples of this ridiculousness to follow, forgive me for not citing them.

redbank09 10-10-07 11:34 PM

that was the most confusing poker tourny ever for god cause everyone at the table and there family's were beggin for his help.

BTW, if i ever start a pro basketball team, Joe Hachem is gonna be my point guard.

Anyone see his commercial?

Zybomb 10-10-07 11:53 PM

I agree 100%

With Yang saying Father!!! Father!!! Show them your plan for me!!


Lee's girl sayin show him the light make him a believer. WTF?

Granted Im not very religious and I prey approximately never -- but this honestly pisses me off!

You think God has nothing better to do than give you a river card?? And who are you to prey to god about a poker game! I mean if its your family's health or some shit ok. Seriously, who do you think u r??

I always like to pull the Larry Merchant/Jim Grey response when a fighter thanks god the victory in the post fight interview. "God didn't win this fight, you did" ... now tell us how.

On a separate note did anyone catch when Jerry Yang raises 10x BB with 88 early on in the FT? JESUS

JDMcNugent7 10-11-07 12:49 AM

i saw this and was realllly annoyed by it to. ppl are so dumb

Ando05 10-11-07 01:34 AM

I hated this years televised final table, most of you guys saw the whole final table online live, and during the televised event I feel like they messed up so bad. I mean the last 15 mins in my opinion was ridiculous there were still 4 people to go...WTF! In 15 mins it basically shows 4 hands, each one basically knocking someone out. And during heads up they showed only 1 hand. When I watched the heads up I felt like there were at least 2 or 3 more hands they should have showed before the final one. Anyway I feel like this year's WSOP main event final table sucked on ESPN.

On the side not, the God topic that you guys are talking about. I hate it as much as you guys do. First of all if you believe in God the way I saw Jerry Yang was, WTF would he be playing poker in the first place? Isn't poker gambling for people that are too religious? And gambling is a SIN. And to put God's name in cards is just a shame, and for Jerry Yang to actually believe that God did help him win the whole thing, as he said in the interview is just well plain stupid.

Fildy 10-11-07 01:39 AM

Because he is bald.

Do I win?

Seriously though, Jerry Yang. Nice Guy, wouldn't want to play cards with him.

Talking Poker 10-11-07 01:40 AM


stormswa 10-11-07 02:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)

dont worry that is why you wear a hat so he cant see your head right?

drewjax 10-11-07 03:42 AM

As a Christian, at least someone who honestly tries to be, this was truly unsettling. It must put non-believers off, to no end. And that is the absolute LAST thing a Christian should want. I think they come off as yahoos, and thats not a good thing. When Christians act like that, or when they scream legalism at the top of their lungs in public (repent, or you will burn in hell......etc), it makes me cringe.

To each his own, but there are much better ways to witness to people about your faith; whatever it may be.

Still better to see Jerry Yang, his family, and some good charities get $, instead of Jamie f'n Gold.

And yes, some of the plays, with $8M on the line....were just...:eek::donkey

Kurn 10-11-07 07:18 AM

Still better to see Jerry Yang, his family, and some good charities get $, instead of Jamie f'n Gold.

No its not. What the winner does with the money is completely irrelevant.

Reel Deal 10-11-07 10:12 AM

I don't really agree with that when there is an effort out there to ban internet gambling/poker. If someone who wins a major poker tournament gets good press (ie, Yang and his charitible contributions) as opposed to bad press (ie, Gold and his legal battles), I think that helps the cause. Might not help it a lot but I wouldn't call it completely irrelevant.

Kurn 10-11-07 12:02 PM

I don't think how much the winner of a B&M poker tournament gives to charity will effect legislation on internet gambling (which is more about sports betting to most people) one bit, but I guess every little bit helps.

Being realistic, though, how many Frist/Goodlatte supporting social conservatives even watch the WSOP? And even if they did would they be more likely to soften on poker because of Jerry Yang, or be more likely to criticize Jerry Yang because of poker?

That being said. I meant my comment to mean it is irrelevant to me as a spectator what the winner will do with his money? I mean, this whole judgmental "do good with the money" mentality reinforces the flawed "the collective is its brother's keeper" mentality that leads to Frist/Goodlatte/Frank (yes- HE wants to tell you how to live, too) mentality.

-rant off.

drewjax 10-11-07 12:05 PM

Ummmm, ok.

Its not better for some worth charities to get some money, as opposed to that tool (originally from f'n Jersey, hmmm)


Kurn 10-11-07 12:36 PM

Uh, I believe Gold gave a sizable sum to some cancer charities. But that's not the issue. Whoever wins, its his money. What he does with it is none of my business.

BTW, I'm from NJ.

Invigilator 10-11-07 03:43 PM

I go looking for my sign that reads "I am not with him".

As someone who has actually formally studied Christian theology, the idea that God reaches into the minutia of your life to give you that Ace or help you find your car keys because you are a good person and go to church is silly. The core teneants of Christianity theology just don't support this.

As with any group of people, the beliefs of the group as a whole don't always match the beliefs and practices of individuals. That's true about religion, politics, poker or anything else.

As a poker fan, I don't care what he does with the money (unless it hes losing it to me)
As a fan of humanity, I pleased that it won't all go into Jack D and G-strings. (but again, to each their own ;))

Talking Poker 10-11-07 03:48 PM

Can't say I really get Kurn's stance on this. I mean, being indifferent is one thing, but who in their right mind wouldn't rather see ANY money (whether it be from poker, Bill Gates' back pocket, or whatever) go to good causes rather than to _______?

For the stories they showed on ESPN, I would have rather seen Tuan Lam win, since I think he would have put the money to better use (building a temple in Viet Nam and feeding hungry people) than Yang will. But Yang's "plans" for the money are certainly much better than someone who wouldn't give any of it to charity.

drewjax 10-11-07 03:49 PM

My only real point here is that.............

Jamie Gold is a major league tool.

Yang looked kinda silly, and I really wish he wouldnt have been outwardly 'praying' or whatever.

But its only been a year. Do we already forget what a schmuck Gold is.

that is all


Invigilator 10-11-07 04:27 PM

I am not a big Gold fan, but I have to admit that he is growing on me during this season of HSP. Still Schmucky, but a little more likable. Playing better than last season at least.

drewjax 10-11-07 04:35 PM

I would tend to agree with this. He had nowhere to go but up though.;)

I would have liked to have seen the older South African guy win it all.
Tuan Lam and/or Lee Watkinson as well. I am like Tony Soprano. Whatever happened to the strong silent hero, ala Gary Cooper. But I am most thankful that Khan didnt win it. zomg
Could you imagine what the next year would be like if he did? Its bad enough as it is. Now that I think of it, Gold is a breath of fresh air compared to that _____________ (insert whatever derogatory term you think appropriate)!!

Reel Deal 10-11-07 04:37 PM

But Khan's a good dancer.

Kurn 10-11-07 04:39 PM

But indifferent is exactly what I am to what the winner does with the money. Remember, my original statement was that what he does with the money is irrelevant. That offers no value judgment one way or the other.

*Good causes* is the tough part. Maybe what person x thinks is a good cause, person y thinks is terrible.

It's also not a bad thing to use the money to make yourself and your family happy and not give to charity. I would never assume to say someone who took that route was a bad person, nor would I root against a guy just because he didn't have altruistic plans for his winnings. It's very tough for me to be swayed one way or the other, especially when the only information I have comes from TV sound bites.

So, no. I don't care one iota what he does with it. In fact, I'd find it refreshingly honest if some guy at the final table was asked what he'd do with his winnings would simply answer "hookers and blow, baby."

melioris 10-11-07 05:15 PM

ok, everyone stop for a minute, take a deep breathe and clear your mind. Kurn has said something really interesting and each of us has to take a minute to appreciate it in our own terms.

You can imagine the 'hookers and coke' bender that a WSOP paycheck could support?

Got that image in your mind? Good. That is why Ungar was so great, 'cause he did it.

drewjax 10-11-07 07:10 PM

I respectuly disagree with you here Kurn. Its just differing opinions. But your last post made me actually LOL.


Benji 10-12-07 02:24 AM

The whole event Main Event was a joke for Jerry Yang, he was always either flopping the nuts, having good cards or pushing with nothing and praying to gods.

I don't mind where someone gonna spend his money, but this Jerry Yang is :talktothehand.
Gold is 100 times better, at least he can say anything other than "ooh please help me god".....

Fildy 10-12-07 02:52 AM

This is a mathematical impossibility considering Jamie Gold is -good.

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