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Penguinfan 10-15-04 06:07 PM

Does everyone really hate Norman Chad?
I see alot of posts and even a web-site dedicated to getting rid of WSOP announcer Norman Chad, but why? Am I really that easily entertained the I kinda like him? Sure the cheap stabs at the players are a bit out of line sometimes, but generally they are pretty funny. When Fishman was asked when he was coming out with a book and CHad replied "well since he's part of the crew it better be a coloring book" I couldn't stop laughing and in all honesty I like Dutch Boyd (thats another thread though). What do you all think, is it me or is Norman Chad not all that bad?


2Tone 10-15-04 06:42 PM

You mentioned DB!
At risk of repeating what has been well covered in a lot of other places, there are A LOT of reasons for online players not like Dutch.

Penguinfan 10-16-04 08:39 AM

And I understand those reasons, they are valid, but I have had several occasions to actually converse with Dutch Boyd and see his side of the story. Keep in mind I am not one of the ones who lost money in the Poker Spot fiasco so I can afford to be unbiased, had I lost money in the deal then I am certain I would have a different point of view. I also understand that I will NEVER get anyone on the other side of the story to see my point of view, this is a situation where there are no winners. I also realize I am in the minority here and I am OK with that, like I said I wasn't a player at pokerspot so keep that in mind.

Talking Poker 10-16-04 10:33 AM

Like, dislike....
I met Dutch at the WSOP this year, and he was very friendly. I too was not involved in the Poker Spot fiasco, but I have read quite a bit about it, and I agree that it is one of those no-win situations for everyone.... just a big mess, really. Anyway, I really liked Dutch. He was down to earth, and just a genuinely nice guy...

Back to the topic at hand - I also briefly met Norman Chad, and IMO, real life Chad is much less annoying that tv Chad. He is my least favorite poker announcer.

2Tone 10-16-04 10:43 PM

I seem to be having trouble keeping this thread on topic, but I’m intrigued by your mention of being at the WSOP. What if any events did you play? Care to share your experiences in a new thread?

omahilo 10-17-04 12:01 AM

I think Norman Chad is alright. The guy I cant stand is Vince Van Patten

Penguinfan 10-17-04 11:26 AM

Yep, he is intolerable.

Talking Poker 10-17-04 12:44 PM

Sure.... I'll start a new thread in the General Poker Discussion section...

Aequitas58 10-19-04 01:18 AM

He makes me laugh. He's just trying to keep it colorful.

Jackass_man 10-19-04 05:26 PM

well commentating poker is about as exciting as commentating a dart league, norman chad is alot better than the guys the had for the "poker million" one guy had an orgasm everytime someone got pocket rockets.

johnbaker 10-20-04 01:09 AM

norman chad is annoying as hell... the worst part of his announcing is when he doesnt explain what's going on in the hands draw wise and psychologically. During the 2003 WSOP a guy was trapping with QQ on a flop of 5 Q 10 rainbow (i think that was the flop). obviously his chances of getting a call on a flop like this are very slim, and he wants to let everyone else catch something to sucker them in. When he checked it, Chad said something like "i dont know why he didnt bet there, that woulda been a great spot to bet". I guarantee you if Scotty Nguyen hadnt caught runners for a flush, Chad wouldnt have said this in the commentary... he would have said something more like "Hes going to sit on his set and hope for action"... that hand alone is a good reason to dislike him... he does say some amusing stuff sometimes, but it doesnt make up for his lack in comprehension of the game.


Aequitas58 10-20-04 01:45 AM

In defense of Chad, I think he's told by ESPN to keep it as colorful and "cynical" as possible. Honestly, I think he's perfectly capable of explaining the pot odds, etc, but you have to figure what kind of audience they are targeting.

johnbaker 10-20-04 11:16 PM

yeah i see your point....

Jackass_man 10-21-04 05:14 PM

Chad's still better then vince though

jimmytheg 10-22-04 05:28 AM

i cant stand norman chad at all....especially when he criticizes the play of some of the best in the game

TajaUk 10-22-04 08:18 AM

He's really good at what he does. He calls it how it is and that upsets alot of people. Tuff.

If you act like a bratt at the table then your gonna be told so.

PShabi 10-22-04 10:11 AM

Chad needs to say. I don't think he said anything that wasn't true. I'm sick of kiss ass sports commentators with no "cajones." Keep it up Norm!

Tuff Luck 10-22-04 05:04 PM

I find him alright I guess, and like someone said, he does keep it colorful.

BlibbityBlabbity 10-22-04 06:01 PM

I don't think I have seen a poker commentator that is really great on any of these shows. But, two things in their defense....

1. Even with hole cams, it has got to be nearly impossible to find someting to say to fill a two hour show about poker. I would guess most here find it interesting as players, but the people playing and the cards are the draw for me, not the commentators.

2. How much of the crap they come up with is written for them after the event is played out and set in front of them? Every other sporting event has commentators with a script (or at least detailed notes) of what they hould/must say. Can't beleive they just let these guys wing it.

jimmytheg 10-23-04 12:27 AM

Every single one of Chad's witty little remarks were written months after the tournaments

Aequitas58 10-23-04 12:56 AM

1. I think the poker "play" is the draw for most poker players who watch poker on TV. I don't think it would be hard at all to comment on poker for 2 hours. You're dealing with good players, a hole-card cam, and a load of poker knowledge. Couple that with the green light to be a cynical ass, and it's great TV. :)

2. I don't know about that. I don't think they tell them what to say, but I think they do tell them what to focus on.

eddo31 10-23-04 01:51 AM

i think chad does a pretty good job for the audience that espn is trying to attract. he is fairly amusing, and is even more so for the casual fan. my only problem with him is that he seems to consistently call hands wrong. im not sure how many times i have seen him miss numerous outs on a hand.

if you want better poker commentary, i think that fox does the best job. i mentioned this in another thread, but i thought that the best, most insightful tv tourney was the live turning stone event. lederer did a very good job breaking down what each player was thinking and doing, and he obviously had plenty of time to break down the action in that format.

BlibbityBlabbity 10-23-04 02:07 PM

I think it would be interesting to get some of the poker players to join in the number two seat to comment on the events. There are many poker players (similar to the poker corner show) that have the edgy personality to make it MORE fun to watch. Since the commentary is taped long after the events, there is no reason someone who played in the event couldn't comment on it.

Sports usually does this with retired players, coaches. But noone retires in poker really.

Anyways what would be more fun to watch than Phil H. commentating his exit from every event. And if Dave Foley can do it drunk off his ass every week, it can't be too hard :)

johnbaker 10-23-04 03:15 PM

yeah vince is pretty awful... i think the low point in his career is when he called John Juanda's pocket kings kinkerbells... I seriously gagged when i heard that

TajaUk 10-23-04 07:47 PM

The problem is alot of poker players are dull and make very boring commentators for TV. Just watched a few over in the UK and they were very poor. Least Chad gets people talking. The WPT is so cheesy its funny, i still laff at him calling J5 Motown.

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