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Aequitas58 10-21-04 07:10 AM

Goodbye Yankees!!
Anyone watch the game last night? I'm not that big of a baseball fan, but I was at the bar w/ some friends, and it was great to see Boston finally beat the Yankees.

Think they'll win the pennant?

This might be a series I actually watch.


Talking Poker 10-21-04 10:59 AM

I don't really follow baseball much any more either, but I did watch most of that series - what a comeback!

I'm not a big Boston fan or anything, but I do hate the Yankees, so I've felt like one all week. I can't believe they pulled it off.

Jackass_man 10-21-04 04:54 PM

Looks like the curse is going to be over

Penguinfan 10-21-04 05:05 PM

I think it sucks, dammit! Now there are only me and the Cubs left in the "We are cursed" line. I hate being alone.

Talking Poker 10-21-04 05:12 PM

Oh please. As much as I will be rooting for them, we all know there is no way in hell the Babe is goin to let them win the World Series!!!

Tuff Luck 10-21-04 05:49 PM

I want to see them win so that curse is over, and so they don't have anything to whine about in future seasons.

bothecorgi 10-21-04 06:21 PM

ARGHH - huge Yankee fan and I cannot believe they lost 4 straight games after beating them in Game 3 by over 10 runs. Also, why the hell did major league baseball make them play 5 straight days? By the end, neither team had any pitching left. Finally, is the St. Louis-Houston series getting the shaft or what. No respect for these 2 teams. I just hope either one destroys Boston. THE CURSE LIVES!

jimmytheg 10-22-04 04:33 AM

The World Series schedule has been set in stone for a while, namely for marketing reasons, so that's why they had to play 5 straight.

jimmytheg 10-22-04 04:37 AM

oh yeah, and for having no pitching left, D Lowe certainly came through. Kevin Brown had only thrown 2 innings last saturday, so 3 days rest was plenty for excuse there. Bottem line, the Red Sox flat outplayed the Yankees over the last 4 games. And game seven was over in the first 3 innings. These were not the Yankees of old. No way the 96-2000 teams blow 4 straight, the last 2 at home, to anybody...and they especially wouldn't lay down and die so easily in a game 7.

TajaUk 10-22-04 08:38 AM

Fighting Irish! Red sox, omg we finally beat those Damm Yankee's!

Tuff Luck 10-22-04 04:21 PM

Now the question is... sox or cardinals?

sox here..

bothecorgi 10-22-04 04:28 PM

Go cardinals but who really cares since the Yankees are now out.

Tilter 10-22-04 05:26 PM

I must say, i hardly watch baseball, fan of the other 3 sports, but I just had to watch that game. It was history in the making. The Yankees blew it and their 100 million salary. who knows, maybe the CURSE HAS BEEN LIFTED, CURSE HAS BEEN LIFTED.

eddo31 10-22-04 11:53 PM

this world series is really set up to be something special

it should be an absolute slugfest all the way, although i think the sox do have the advantage with a better pitching staff.

on the subject of the curse, that is really something that red sox fans dont think about at all. it is an easy way for the networks to define red sox nation, not a way that red sox nation defines itself. the people from the boston area who believe in the curse are the same people who wonder when clemens left the team.

jimmytheg 10-23-04 12:11 AM

Exactly....the whole curse thing is a bunch of bullshit, started by Dan Shaugnessey in the late 1980's. He wrote a book after the crushing 1986 series loss to the Mets, proclaimed there was a curse on Boston because of the Ruth trade, and that was that. The curse is a tool used by sportswriters to fill their columns, and no real sox fan believes it.

jimmytheg 10-23-04 12:23 AM

on the sox or cardinals question, let me start by saying that i'm a lifelong sox fan, so my opinion is obvioulsy biased, but, here some thoughts...

francona really screwed up by putting pedro in during game seven of the yankees series....pedro was originally going to go Game 1 of the we have to throw Wakefield. That is not an even tradeoff. The Cardinals lineup scares the hell out of me, and I do not want to go to St louis tied 1-1, giving them a chance to win out at home....where they are undefeated so far in the playoffs, and, if im not mistaken, had the best home record in the league this year.

that being said.....SOX in 6...its out year baby

eddo31 10-23-04 12:27 AM

while i agree with you that we want pedro pitching as much as possible in the series, i have a lot of faith in wakefield. i think that if he has a good start in game one, which i wouldnt put past him at all, it could really mess with the cards bats for the whole series.

while i would love to see the sox take down this series easily, i think it will be a battle. i think the perfect scenario is the sox winning in six, with me watching the game in the cask and flagon, then going on a bender for the next couple of days.

the pats super bowl wins will look like a pop warner championship compared to a sox win in boston.

jimmytheg 10-23-04 12:37 AM

Hopefully the cops wont kill anybody else when we are celebrating our series win

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