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Zybomb 12-20-07 06:23 AM

I lose all three within 1 hour
Hand 1

My Hand: T:s:9:s:
Opponents Hand: K:c:J:d:
Board When all the $$$ got In: 7:s:8:s:J:c:
Pot Size:$750

Hand 2*

My Hand: A:h:K:h:
Opponents Hand: 9:d:4:s:
Board When all the $$$ got in: T:h:5:h:4:h:
Pot Size: $690

*$80 Raise preflop

Hand 3*

My Hand: A:h:A:d:
Opponents Hand: 8:c:7:h:
Board When all the $$$ got in: Q:d:7:s:2:d:4:h:
Pot Size: $5060 (third opponent called a $1280 all in on turn w/ a flush draw to make pot this large)

*$80 Raise Preflop

Three Pot Total Swing: $ 6500

Conclusion: Go to hell

Wes 12-20-07 06:34 AM

#2 has to be the best one.

Talking Poker 12-20-07 11:22 AM

That is brutal.

I can't even decide between them... ok, #2 is definitely the best. I may have had to kick that guy in the throat after the runners hit the board.

MAYHEM45 12-20-07 12:02 PM

post is worthless without turn and river cards. Live poker lol.

Zybomb 12-20-07 06:27 PM

Hand 1: Turn 8 River Jack (note that if it comes 8 then J:s: it's still no good for him!)

Hand 2: Turn 9 River 9

Hand 3: River 7


JDMcNugent7 12-21-07 01:46 AM

holy shit that really is disgusting

drewjax 12-21-07 06:47 AM

#2.................$%^&!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? ?????????/:donkey


How, how and why can shit like this possibly happen.
So very nuttily in so many ways.

Talking Poker 12-21-07 05:09 PM

Were you about to keep playing after this? #2 probably would have tilted me, but after #3, I would HAVE to take a walk.

Zybomb 12-21-07 05:29 PM

I almost got up and left (had chips in my hand) but there were two players (the 94o was one of them) who were literally Taking money and throwing it to the nearest opponent -- they were so awful I couldn't leave. I even said outloud in front of them the only reason I was staying lol.

Hand #2 actually occurred third and Hand #3 actually occurred 2nd -- so the big hit was in the middle. After the 94 hand (the last one chronologically) I did rip The Ace and King in half before throwing them in the muck and stated "we need a new set up!"

On a side note I think although the play is less retarded by opponent in hand 1 than in hand 2, i think hand 1 is a far worse beat mentally because i had both the nut and nut redraw...i mean i dunno what else you can ask to flop with T9s than that!

Edit: I also wanna add that yesterday I picked up $3250 in a quick 3.5 hr day session... and that if these three pots held up I would have won $4800 the day before, leaving a total of over $8k within 24 hours.... instead I dropped $1700 that session, leaving a total of $1550 (still nice but what a difference!)

Talking Poker 12-22-07 10:38 AM

Is this your usual game? Seems to be playing a little bit bigger than you normally report.

Ripping the AK was a good idea. That would have made me feel a little better. Well, that, or ripping the turn and river cards. Either way.

Zybomb 12-22-07 11:38 AM

5/10...runs weekly on Wednesday's at one of the spots I go to

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