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Aequitas58 10-13-04 10:53 PM

My Bad Beats.
I keep on online blog where I give results, interesting hand situations, and anything else relevant to my online poker world.

Yes, it contains BB stories.


Talking Poker 10-13-04 11:17 PM

I like the blog idea. I see yours is still pretty new. Any idea how many people are reading it? I hope you post parts of it here, whenever you feel so inclined. The main advantage of a forum over a blog is you can get feedback... of course, you're not always the main character in a forum setting :D

I find it often helps me think through specific situations when I write about them. One friend and I have probably traded 1000+ Hand Histories in 2004 alone... Oh, who am I kidding - it's probably closer to 5000! I've learned a LOT by doing this. A lot more than I would have thought anyway... I suspect you can get the same from writing your blog (sans the feedback, of course).

Aequitas58 10-14-04 12:02 AM

Well, there is an option for readers to leave comments. And, since it's still very new, there haven't been many comments. It's ok though... the whole blog idea is more for me than it is for others: I can go back and track how I was doing, etc.

From time to time, I will post things from outside websites, and comment on it myself... or re-post a message from a forum or website.


bigjohnstud2o 10-20-04 05:27 AM

nice blog
nice to see two KK hands hold up with an ace on the flop huh

Jackass_man 10-20-04 03:55 PM

nice blog

Aequitas58 10-22-04 02:16 AM

It was great. I played them different, and I really think that made a factor. Who knows if they had an Ace. Given the weak players at PP, they would hold on to any ragged Ace. I feel like players dont even think about kickers.

johnbaker 10-22-04 02:41 AM

at low stakes games on party, of course they wont. thats what makes fish fish.


johnbaker 10-22-04 02:47 AM

dont mean to doublepost, but Lou i just realized something... are you 100% sure that they didnt stack the deck when you flopped the nuts and the other guy got running aces? I've had to deal with some cheaters at my games... I didnt expect it until I specifically looked for it and caught them red handed. The idea of a guy flopping the nuts and then getting beaten by runners like that is just fishy... especially if u and that guy dont like each other. i'm sure the other guy was rubbing it in afterwards, but if he was doing anything out of character... i would expect that they sketched the deck against you. I dont know anything about your game though so for all i know you personally cut the deck every hand and always check for sketches... whatever


Aequitas58 10-22-04 11:27 AM

Hah. If you saw this group of kids, you wouldn't even suggest it, but, since I'm a natural critic ... maybe... ? EVEN if they did, which I highly doubt, they didn't do a good job of keeping the money from me throughout the course of the night... I made it back and then some.

I'll keep more of an open eye if I go again.

GeoffM 10-22-04 02:09 PM

Stacking the deck is one of the easiest things to do. Funny that something that can be so obviously seen are the things that end up slipping by.

I usually try to keep an eye, not on the dealer, but the deck of cards. Trust is one thing, but when money is involved, unless the person is blood, be very cautious.

Aequitas58 10-22-04 03:43 PM

You're right ... I guess you can never discount cheating at any home game. I can keep an eye open next time. If I catch something, it's gonna be interesting.

Tuff Luck 10-22-04 04:17 PM

I generally trust everyone I play with, but I'm always on the lookouts for the cheats.

brokeagain 10-22-04 04:38 PM

I think your father gave your mother one bad beat the day you were born...IMO

Aequitas58 10-23-04 01:36 AM

If that's directed at me, that's pretty f*cked up man. Funny though. :D

brokeagain 10-26-04 05:57 PM

Sorry man, I mean your mother gave your barber one bad beat after that haircut

Aequitas58 10-27-04 12:32 AM

You're a loser. Insult all you want, it's pointless.

GeoffM 10-27-04 08:44 AM

OK, OK, come on now. The site just opened and already there is insults flying and arguments. Can't we all just get along? :confused: :D

brokeagain 10-27-04 11:13 AM

Look dude, anyone who puts a bust of themselves as their avatar deserves to get ranked on.

brokeagain 10-27-04 11:14 AM

sure, its 4:20, lets go

GeoffM 10-27-04 11:40 AM

I don't get it? :confused:

eddo31 10-27-04 11:48 AM

im assuming that you know that 4:20 is a weed reference. (your tagline would suggest that you have a familiarity)

but that earlier post doesnt really make that much sense even if you do know that. im with you in the confusion.

Tilter 10-27-04 09:48 PM

interesting blog.

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