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Talking Poker 11-02-05 12:58 PM

$100 Freeroll for Posters!
We've had a lot of fun when we've all played together in the past, so let's do it again. But this time, how about if I pony up ALL the cash, and we have ourselves a good old fashioned freeroll???

I haven't set it up yet, but it will be on on either 11/30 or 12/1, probably after 9 PM ET. That's when you guys have said in the past is best for you. I'll update this post in a few days after I decide on an exact date and time.

In order to keep this amongst friends, there are going to be some easy to meet requirements for getting in: For the month of November (yesterday will be included), people need to make a certain number of ***** reasonable quality, poker related posts *****. The number of posts you need to make depends on how much you have contributed in the past. If you've made 5000 or more posts, you're already in - woohoo, that's me! Here are the requirements for everyone else (Pre-November Post Count, Number of quality posts you need to make in November):

Post Count ----- November Posts Required To Play
1000+............... 5
500-999............ 10
200-499............ 15
50-199.............. 20
<50.................. 50

So as you can see, for those that have been posting here regularly, this will be a piece of cake. Even for those who have only posted occasionally, making 20 posts isn't hard at all. But for any brand new people who see this and want to take part in the freeroll, they are going to have to make 50 posts. That might sound like a lot, but making 50 posts is actually quite easy.

BTW, regarding the "quality" part. I'm not expecting long essasy and that sort of thing. All I'm saying is I don't want to count the no-brainer posts, like making NFL picks, one line insults, Railbird updates, "Me too," "I always lose with AA!" and so on. The final judge of "quality" is me.

So, once you think you've made the required number of quality posts, PM me and I'll send you the touney password so you can register. Do NOT share the password with anyone else - that kills the point of this whole thing, which is to reward the contributors around here.

If all goes well, we'll do this again next month - with a bigger prizepool.

junYUN 11-02-05 03:59 PM

how about 12/2? ;) i'll be working on 11/30 and 12/1.. but hey dont change it just for me...

Talking Poker 11-02-05 06:35 PM

Probably not... when I polled everyone in the past, weeknights were a lot more popular than weekends. Sorry.

Aequitas58 11-02-05 11:42 PM

I sense a good turnout. :)

JDMcNugent7 11-02-05 11:53 PM

This thing sounds sweet - thx for the setup man.
oh, by the way, i plan on taking this thing down :)

PShabi 11-03-05 08:42 PM


SirFWALGMan 11-03-05 09:27 PM

Why the hell not
Excellent Idea TP! Thanks!

BDMK 11-09-05 02:35 AM

how about having recurring freerolls AND/OR buyin pvt tourneys on stars (say anywhere from a buck to 11 bucks)?

also, how about having a forum league (say, 10 games in 10 consecutive weeks or so-freeroll or buyin or combo)?

stars is IMHO THE best site there is and we should definitely have regular events there.

just my two cents. :)

Talking Poker 11-09-05 03:06 AM

We've tried both of these ideas in the past, with mixed results. When we manage to get everyone together, the forum tourneys are a blast.... the problem is getting everyone together.

We tried to league thing too, but the turnouts were so bad, we had to scratch them.

Thanks for the 2 cents though. And I know I haven't said it yet, so welcome to the forum!

Talking Poker 11-10-05 12:11 AM

This tourney can be seen on Stars now:

Tourney #14864882
November 30, 2005 - 9:30 PM ET
Talking Poker $100 Freeroll

P.S. Number of Players currently registered: 1

I like my chances!!!

Zybomb 11-10-05 05:20 AM

PM me the PW and I'll register also :D thats if I have satisfied my requirement yet

JDMcNugent7 11-10-05 07:55 AM

I'm in :D
TP, how'd u get it to be in blue while all the others are in black? - pretty cool

Talking Poker 11-10-05 12:52 PM

I think because it's a freeroll, not just a normal Private tourney.

Zybomb 11-10-05 03:36 PM

registered (but I still like your chances)

JDMcNugent7 11-10-05 06:15 PM

How can u lpossibly like his chances with me sittin there ? ;)

akajeff 11-10-05 06:39 PM

Can you ell me exactly how to get the password for this tournament??
How many posts we need and where the password is.
Thank you

Talking Poker 11-10-05 06:42 PM

Please see post #1 in this thread. As a brand new user, you would fall into the <50 posts before November category, meaning you'll need 50 posts.

1 down, 49 to go! Then send me a PM and I'll send you the password.

akajeff 11-10-05 06:43 PM

OK so if I get 50 posts Where will I find the password?

Talking Poker 11-10-05 06:48 PM

You will send me a PM (Private Message) telling me that you got to 50 posts. I will reply to you via PM with the password. And then you will ahve the password.

2 posts down, 48 to go. But admittedly, the "quality" of #1 and #2 is questionable. Remember, it's supposed to be 50 quality posts.

Again, please just read the first post in this thread for all the details. I think it's spelled out pretty clearly.

akajeff 11-10-05 06:50 PM

OK Thank you I will get posting quality posts. Just wanted to intrduce myself Im Jeff and play on Pokerstars. This forum seems very well organized.Thanks for this opportunity.

Talking Poker 11-10-05 06:52 PM

You are quite welcome. And welcome to the forum...

47 to go!

Spidey44 11-10-05 08:42 PM

TP...any idea of the payout structure? Only top few or is it similar to the last freeroll we had?

Talking Poker 11-10-05 08:51 PM

This one will be standard Stars payouts based on number of entries...

MagicAAA 11-11-05 06:31 AM

Looks like I'm going to miss out on this one. I'll try to post 50 but I don't want mindless posts connecting with my name haha. Wish you all luck. I busted out on PS awhile ago so I'm always looking for ways to get a bankroll going again there. Glad TP has successfully arranged this with PS I don't see many private FREErolls so thanks in advance for the next one!

Talking Poker 11-11-05 12:29 PM

Give it a shot. You never know. If you fall a little bit short but your posts really are all high quality, PM me. No one ever said I can't make an exception...

Tony Cheval 11-11-05 01:56 PM

Oh, it's up? Am I in yet? :D

BDMK 11-11-05 07:20 PM

oh, one other thing:

to minimize the number of sitouts, password sellers and the like, id suggest you post the password no more than 30mins before gametime...

(excepting of course PMing of the regulars on this forum in advance)

just my two cents.

Talking Poker 11-12-05 01:56 AM

Already decided this. Most people here will be able to get it as soon as they want it, but the noobs are going to have to wait.

supercow3250 11-12-05 12:19 PM

I hate when people sit out. You nvr see people doing that in real tournaments. You should lose if u sit out for more than 10 minutes. Anyone agree?

lightfungus 11-12-05 01:19 PM

I dunno, live I wouldnt mind so much because your hand can be immediately mucked and chips taken. Its not that big of an issue. If someone like drama queen hellmuth wants to be late...whatever, hopefully ill have 1 or 2 of his blinds.

Ivey67 11-12-05 01:47 PM

Thanks for the tourney. I love playing at poker stars. Favorite site to play at. Hope I can have 50 post by then though.

Aequitas58 11-12-05 02:15 PM

Focus on this:

Not this:



Talking Poker 11-12-05 03:51 PM

Yeah. What he said. I'll "reward" Quality over Quantity any day. See Exhibit A: Kurn vs. BrianSwa. :D

drkneenie 11-12-05 07:21 PM

some of the poker sites are starting to boot people after 10min if u havent played a hand in the freeroll. i like that idea but i have been 11min late 1 time and didnt get to play and was kinda upset but all well, i knew the rules and shoulda been on time. it makes for a better freeroll when u are playing at a table where every1 is playing instead of 3 or 4 people out of 9 or 10 are playing. i hope more sites change the rules on the sitters in freerolls in the future. now as for buy-in tourneys, if u want to pay and sit out thats fine by me. more money in the prize pool for me!!

drkneenie 11-12-05 07:31 PM

hi, i am new to the forum and just want to introduce myself. i have been playing on PS for almost a year now and saw the freeroll in the private section and thought i'd check out the forum. 50 posts does seem like a lot but it definitely will weed out a lot of people that dont contribute to the forum. i will give it a shot and maybe see u guys at the tables at the end of the month. i go by drkneenie on PS also.

BDMK 11-13-05 05:37 PM

well, one thing that happens when a PW is released and ppl sign up way in advance is-they simply forget to come play! :D

or another engagement (poker- or non-poker-related) comes up in the interim..etc etc

which is why a PW should always be released as close to gametime as possible, IMHO.

BDMK 11-14-05 04:10 AM

one more suggestion:

instead of having a single one monthly, say $100/$200, freeroll on stars, why not have *weekly* $25/$50 ones?

this should get ppl excited, which should in turn lead to increased activity/traffic on the forum (like it or not, ppl, noobs or regulars, will have to get/remain actively engaged in it) which should in turn lead to more linked signups/deposits thru the forum, and so on, and so forth...

hosting a pvt tourney on stars is IMHO as good of an advertisement for a forum/site as one can possibly get short of buying TV time...

i see the forum now has somewhat fewer than 500 members. with a few regular tourneys on stars, it should break the 1K barrier easy and move steadily up. this should also in turn naturally give more weight to the forum when negotiating deals with the poker sites, etc etc...

and yes of course this all should attract its share of password sellers, multiple acct cheats and the usual riff-raff, but thats the unfortunate side effect of things, alas. so be it...on the flip side, it will also attract a good number of honest poker sharks/enthusiasts too.

so, TP, whaddya say? :)

Talking Poker 11-14-05 12:39 PM

I say it's worth consideration, for sure... just playing it by ear right now.

Talking Poker 11-14-05 08:31 PM

Dear Thelaterdays,

If you think there is any chance in hell I'm going to let you play in this freeroll if you make 50 random, useless, worthless, in the wrong threads, etc posts, you are clearly mistaken. In fact, I'll lay 2:1 that you get banned from the forum long before that would happen.

I'm going to be nice and give you a fresh shot at this (I'll be nice and credit with with "1" as of right now), but please don't insult me and the rest of this forum with those "quality" posts.

For the record, everyone else's "normal" posting has been fine. But this type of crap is not:

Reel Deal 11-14-05 10:21 PM


eddo31 11-14-05 10:42 PM

im in

now i just have to remember to be available at the time of the tourney.

by the way, to the newbies that are trying to make the 50 posts: there are easily enough threads here that getting 50 posts by then shouldnt be that hard. no reason whatsoever to fill up threads with a bunch of shit. just pathetic.

add to the forum, and i would assume that we will see more of these freerolls in the future, because they have obvious value to TP if the freerolls increase forum traffic significantly.

JJPHENOM 11-15-05 03:46 AM

Whats Up Yall Im New

Tony Cheval 11-15-05 12:26 PM

Personally I would like to see a semi-regular 'league' setup, but we've been over that before.

PShabi 11-15-05 01:53 PM

There needs to be a bi-monthly $10 buyin tourney with a fucking leaderboard.

Maybe top 10 after X weeks get entered in a "TOC" freeroll.

bdawg31 11-15-05 02:25 PM

I agree 110%
(be sure to add this post to my monthly total! :) )

Tony Cheval 11-15-05 02:30 PM

That's a good idea, we seem to be a fairly stable group here, why restrict ourselves to short-term?

supercow3250 11-15-05 06:44 PM

Ouch, i feel you. That really stinks that you got there 1 minute late!!!! But it kind of is ur fault u were late in the first place. But, I still hate people sitting out because u don't rack up nearly as many chips as regularly. Talk to you later everyone!

Talking Poker 11-15-05 10:54 PM

I just bolded a few things in the first post in this thread that some people seem to be missing.

I'm not kidding. I'm not expecting long essays, but I'm not an idiot either and I can tell who is posting worthless crap just for the sake of inflating their post count.

Once again, I will be more likely to allow someone who makes 40 quality posts into the freeroll than someone who makes 100 crappy ones.

Don't let this happen to you:

Zybomb 11-16-05 12:41 AM

who is TimetoWinTD?

BlibbityBlabbity 11-16-05 12:57 AM

Me :)

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