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ChicagoAPA 09-08-08 08:25 PM

Well anyone who needs a trade for FTP & Stars......
I can do :) For a fee obv ;)

ps. You can usually find me on PTP :ninja:

Talking Poker 09-08-08 09:19 PM

Nice of you to offer, but just as an FYI, most people will take care of each other here (established, trusted members anyway) for free.

You are welcome to all the unestablished/untrustworthy people's money though!

thadeas1 09-09-08 12:46 PM

TP, which category do I fall into? just so i know who I should go to if i'm in such a position. :)

jillaj 09-09-08 12:53 PM

You will be able to tell when you ask for a transfer. Either someone will help you out or they won't. That can pretty much answer that question.

New Guy 09-09-08 05:17 PM

Boy that doesnt look shady!!!!!!

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 01:07 PM

gotcha ;)

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 01:07 PM

ty :)

stormswa 09-10-08 01:20 PM

Shauna is pretty much the one person besides a couple like Mark that I trust 100%. I have done 1k transfers with Shauna a couple times so I can say she is 100% safe to transfer to.

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 01:31 PM

ty :)

Zybomb 09-10-08 02:23 PM

With so many trustworthy people to swap funds around at tilt and stars for free why on earth would someone pay a fee to do so?

PS: Why not contribute something to the forum by discussion Hand Histories or facets of the game instead of tryin to swap funds for people

stormswa 09-10-08 05:22 PM

its a business, Shauna is a business woman so I can see perfectly well why she would do this. And honestly Shauna is available almost 24/7 online, either her or Chris who manages her separate fund.

To be honest I would rather pay a small fee and know my transfer is 100% safe then to trust a 4 figure transfer to someone else. I think I payed $10 or so on a 1k transfer last time which IMO is no big deal. It was hassle free and I dont think you should look down on someone or -rep them just because they are trying to make money like this. If you dont want to pay her fee then dont use the service its as simple as that.

BTW I <3 Shauna.

Zybomb 09-10-08 05:31 PM

I didnt look down on anyone nor -rep them. I also didn't question her motives either.... I asked why anyone else on this site would possibly take her up on this offer when there were tons of free ways to move money around just as safe...i was talkin to the rest of the site not her... the only i said to her is why she didn't contribute to the forum in a worthwhile manner instead.... if this is indeed SPAM then put it in the SPAM section

and her intro wasn't very warming "i can do it ................. for a fee obviously! Yea.....

stormswa 09-10-08 05:37 PM

I need to watch when I quote people, all my post wasn't specifically directed at you. Ive known Shauna a little while and poker is more of a business to her then anything else. Most of her posts on PTP have to do with the business side of the forum. I'm sure she would of posted in spam section if she thought that was better section but she is new here and most likely thought this section was best.

People get involved in forums for different reasons, Shauna's is business and I doubt you will see many posts from her. I assume she came here to scout out players that are not on PTP and invest in backing for them. Shauna was one of my 1st big time investors so I kinda got a soft spot for her, I know she invested just because she thought it was a +EV investment but it meant a lot to me when I was new to staking.

You wont see many general or friendly posts from Shauna but you can bet if she likes what she sees in one player they will be getting a "friendly" PM from her or Chris for backing.

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 06:15 PM

Sorry if I offended anyone here :(
My 1st post/thread on was me asking if trades were allowed, and what the Forum rules were. I am a strong believer in following rules. TP replied saying that there really aren't any rules free. :)

This threads intro was indeed "Cut and dry" That is my style ...time is money :)

ps. I will back anyone with +stats. I offer stakes all the way up to 1K. So if anyone is interested send me a PM :)

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 06:17 PM

weeeeeee I have negative rep points :)

Is there a way to findout who gave me a negative rep? I just need to know who not to back ;)

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 06:23 PM

Plus I am fast :bolt:

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 06:26 PM

It is very possible once I figure out what is about ;)
However, the only poker strat I may some input on is FTP 45 mans (which is the only game I play) ;)

cds0699 09-10-08 06:30 PM

I do manage a $15k mutual fund for ChicagoAPA, I use this money to stake/invest in players. Its a buisness, its part of what I do. I will say without a doubt ChicagoAPA is one of a small handfull that I consider 100% trustworthy. If anyone is looking for backing and you're good, then she's a awesome backer. Oh ya and all my poker action online is backed by her.

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 06:42 PM

weeeeeee am I already on the top 10 referrers list in just 1 day?

gogzy 09-10-08 06:49 PM

someone obv dont know shauna :)

she is pretty much the least shady person i know

Zybomb 09-10-08 06:50 PM

LOL at whoever tried to neg rep me for this (but they cant bc they arent in positive rep themselves...hmm wonder who that could be) and said that I am untrustworthy because I cant trust people thus I cant be trusted. Im pretty sure I could get a few G's from multiple people on this site at the drop of a dime if I needed to btw.

Also, I didn't say anything about trusting someone or not, I simply said there are a billion 100% safe ways to move money from one site to another available to the members of this forum. But hey, if people are stupid enough to pay for a swap when its free then go ahead I can't knock someone's hustle... but since this is 100% SPAM, it is being moved to the SPAM section.

gogzy 09-10-08 06:51 PM


stormswa 09-10-08 06:51 PM

damn mod powers!

gogzy fix....oh crap wrong place.

gogzy 09-10-08 06:54 PM

yeah not a mod here yet :)

give it a few months till that happens


gogzy 09-10-08 06:55 PM

fish wtf

how am i a fish god damnit

screw you guys im going home :D

stormswa 09-10-08 06:57 PM

we have seen you play the title fits.

gogzy 09-10-08 06:58 PM

kys moran:talktothehand

stormswa 09-10-08 06:59 PM



gogzy 09-10-08 07:04 PM

:( i hate u all

stormswa 09-10-08 07:05 PM

but we lub you.

gotta go find my lub smiley brb.

stormswa 09-10-08 07:07 PM


Nikita 09-10-08 07:09 PM

User CP.

And you are green again. :thumbsup:

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 07:09 PM

ty :)

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 07:12 PM

"douche" that is the 1st I ever even typed that word thus less be called one :(

gogzy 09-10-08 07:13 PM

who called you a douche shauna

ill kick thier damn ass

stormswa 09-10-08 07:14 PM

most likely was too much of a wimp to sign his rep.

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 07:14 PM

The member whomever gave me a negative rating

gogzy 09-10-08 07:15 PM

well that person is an ass

- rep that

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 07:15 PM

Why are the other spam threads locked?

stormswa 09-10-08 07:17 PM

usually means they were scammers or something, also think on this site threads get locked after certain time no one posts in them.

Zybomb 09-10-08 07:17 PM

After 1 month it's locked

TBlover55 09-10-08 07:19 PM

I approve Shauna :thumbsup:

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 07:21 PM

weeeeeeeee TB :wub:

stormswa 09-10-08 07:23 PM

20 pages.

ChicagoAPA 09-10-08 07:25 PM

this may soon be the record posts thread in the "SPAM Forum"

gogzy 09-10-08 07:34 PM

now we are freerollers :) nice

stormswa 09-10-08 07:37 PM

can I get $1 transfer? you transfer me $1 on stars will ship you $1 on FTP.


MAYHEM45 09-10-08 07:40 PM

Brian when did you turn 12 years old? So fucking annoying.

Nikita 09-10-08 07:40 PM

Everyone starts as a fish. Your title changes the more you post (more incentive for you, I guess). If you get over 1000 posts you can have your own custom title.

gogzy 09-10-08 07:42 PM

:) thanks i kinda figured it was related to post count

shouldnt take me long to reach 1k

about 2 weeks im guessing

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