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jaeh00d 07-31-06 03:40 AM

i hope that is somehow him

Dodoubled 07-31-06 03:54 AM

He's at 6100 with about two hours left to play today. I just got him to text me. He says he was as low as 3400. He also mentioned something about losing a 25K pot. Apparently, he texted Robbie Robb a while back, but that might have come after RR went to bed. TP said the story could wait. I guess he wants to tell it himself.

jaeh00d 07-31-06 04:05 AM

thanks for the update...cmon tp

Talking Poker 07-31-06 06:34 AM

They say the day you get knocked out of the WSOP Main Event is the worst day of the year. I don't think it's quite THAT bad, but it is a pretty sucky feeling.

Yup, I'm out. I made it until the last hour of play for the day, but with a short stack and increasing blinds, I had to start pressing a little bit. Eventually, I got busted.

All in all, I feel like I played great, with the exception of one possible hand. I sent Robbie all sorts of updates about it (it was a SICK hand), but I see none ever made it here. Who goes to bed at 9 PM PT? Pffffttt! I played for 5 hours after that!

Anyway, I did keep a log of all interesting hands, and I will post them all later, but for now, here's an update to say I'm out. And I'm ok with it. I outlasted almost 2/3 of the field, and like I said, I feel like I played great. There were a couple of times where (in Hellmuth's words) "I was supposed to go broke here" and I didn't. That one big second best hand really clobbered me. I won't type it all up now, but basically, the board was QQQTK and I had AK. They way it played out, it would have been difficult for me to not lose a lot of chips there. I know I played it wrong, but I'm not even sure where really.... It was just a bad hand, and yes, it was for a $25k pot. Losing that knocked me down to 6kish, and I fought with that stack for like 3 more hours, but eventually busted.

More details later. Thanks to everyone for all the support - sorry I couldn't come through with a better finish.

Talking Poker 07-31-06 06:49 AM

A few interesting stats from my head (I can confirm these later when I go through my notebook):

Number of sets I flopped today: 0
Number of times I was dealt AA: 4 (including 3 in the span of about 15 hands - won blinds twice and small-medium pots the other two times)
Number of times I had KK: 1 (lost a big pot with it)
Number of time I had AK: I'm not sure, bit it was definitely a big loser for me on the day.
Number of times I had QQ, JJ, TT, 99 combined: 1 (I picked up the blinds with JJ once)
Number of showdowns I was involved in, NOT counting the hand that knocked me out: 4.
Number of those where I had the nuts when the money went in: 2.
Number where I had the nuts on the flop and the turn, and had to make a big (correct) call on the river after a flush draw completed: 1.
Number of showdowns that I lost (not counting my final hand): 1 - for $25,000 chips!!!

Hmmm... what else? Oh, the hand that eventually knocked me out: With only 4200 or so chips left, I pushed in from the CO with Jd9d. The BB called with ATo. The flop came Txx with one diamond. The turn was the 7d, giving me 15 outs headed to the river: three Js, four 8s, and 8 other diamonds..... a non diamond 3 hit the river and that was that. Had I gotten lucky there, I would have been up to a much healthier 9k+ stack... still not great, but at least something to work with.

Lots of other interesting hands to write about later. I should get some sleep though first.

eejit101 07-31-06 07:04 AM


melioris 07-31-06 07:54 AM

Good Job TP-we were are hoping for the fantasy to come true, but really all that you can control is your play and if you are happy with your play then that is all anyone can ask for. You made us proud!!! I can't wait to read more about your day.

And good jorb Robbie with the updates. Don't let the hate get you down, there is no shame in going to bed. Around here we say that sleep is the new sex because we value it that much.

Robbie Robb 07-31-06 08:24 AM

The most important outcome is that you were happy with the way you played. I'd be willing to bet any amount of money that there are many people out there, sitting in their hotel rooms, or out getting drunk that are purely disgusted with themselves for the way they played.

Oh, and it was 9:23 Vegas time when I went to bed. Not 9:00! :D

Penguinfan 07-31-06 08:30 AM

You know, Robbie's updates were much better.:D

Sucks it didn't work out, but look at the bright side, Full Tilt is already running satellites to the 07 Main Event!

Aequitas58 07-31-06 09:20 AM

There's always next year. Hopefully, if I put my man-suit on and win a satellite, we can swap a percentage. :)

Enjoy the rest of your time in Vegas!

Nikita 07-31-06 09:40 AM

Oh well. Like everyone has said, as long as you are happy about your play, that's all you can do.

As well, it was great railing you from afar, especially since neither Rob or I made it to the WSOP.

Reel Deal 07-31-06 10:03 AM

Better luck next year TP. Enjoyed the updates RR, thanks.

omahilo 07-31-06 10:17 AM

sorry man that sucks...

hopefully you get in a few of those smaller events like you did last year this time..

johnp158 07-31-06 10:24 AM

GG man. Hate to hear that the deck was so unfavorable to you. So does this mean that it'll be a while before I get my $10,000 check???

Robbie Robb 07-31-06 10:31 AM

You know, the thing that sucks the most about TP being out already is that I was really counting on this thread to take me past the 1000 post mark... :D

HEwong 07-31-06 10:38 AM

good game. nice try TP.

thrash1294 07-31-06 05:53 PM

Its still impressive to see you listed in cardplayer for last years events:thumbsup:

Better than most of us could ever hope for:cool:

Robbr25 07-31-06 08:12 PM

Good Try TP, time sign up for the rest of the WSOP 2006 events and win some money.

Talking Poker 07-31-06 08:23 PM

I'm not sure what my plan is yet. I imagine I will play in at least one of the $1000 events they have, maybe two. I'll probably play in some cash games, and depending on how that goes, decide accordingly.

Robbr25 07-31-06 08:25 PM

Sounds like a good plan.
Good Luck.

New Guy 08-01-06 01:38 AM

tp was a good showing/ Were proud of you and how you did the site proud. Well both go up next year and slam them. Way to go thou.Keep an eye on my boy Dave Leighton /Still in with a small stack but the dream is alive. You did great and be proud!!!!!!

Talking Poker 08-02-06 08:52 AM

I just played 11-12 hours of poker at the Rio... $2/$5 NL. Zy was there playing with me for about 9 of them.

I ended up down on the night (all because of ONE POT when I got all in preflop with KK vs AA - surprise surprise, the K.O.D. is back!), but had a really good time playing. Cool people... enjoyed it a lot.

Zy is (up are you ready for this?) about $5000 now for the trip... of course, I got to see him on the good end of a suckout for aout $900 of that tonight - all in on a Q high flop with AQ vs KK... turn Q, river A. Youch. He rivered a dude pretty good later on with T6s too (but he played that hand well and the other guy didn't). I played a couple of hands not that great, probably cosing myself $100-200, but other than that, I thought I played really well.

Anyway, I barely even know what day it is right now, so I suppose I should get some sleep. See you all... tomorrow? Later today? Yeah, whatever.

BrianSwa 08-02-06 09:32 AM

sounds like a great time TP, have u decided if you are playing in one of the side events yet tp? I cant wait till next year when I will be there with you guys, hope to get together but watch out my wife is getting good :)

Talking Poker 08-02-06 06:00 PM

I want to play in tomorrow's $1000 event, but it starts at 11 AM, and I honestly don't know if I'll want or be able t oget up that early.

Talking Poker 08-02-06 07:56 PM

One thing I forgot to mention... When I lost that $1200+ pot last night with KK vs AA, the dude who had the Aces: Jim Petrillo.

How nuts is that??? We had been playing together for a long while when I kinda noticed an "illo" on the side of his UB hat (that's all I could see). After he said his screen name is xJMP - something like that - containing his initials, I asked what his last name was.

Crazy, eh? I kinda liked being the only Petrillo poker player, but I guess there are at least three of us now.

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