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Aequitas58 02-15-05 03:35 PM

Two more things I just noticed:

(1) Did you misspell a word you cited to the dictionary? Are you serious?

(2) Your links are AWESOME! HAHAHAHA.

omahilo 02-15-05 03:36 PM

lol good one chip

ChipFish 02-15-05 03:39 PM

Total time to fix the links : 6 seconds...

Go ahead... Spam away! :D :p :cool:

Talking Poker 02-15-05 03:59 PM

hahaha.... didn't even notice that at first. Good stuff. Unless, of course, someone doesn't read closely and actually thinks I have anything to do with this guy's nonsense.

Nah :D 02-15-05 04:45 PM

Hi ChipFish, Talking Poker, Aequitas58
Again, thank you for your insight and knowledge; you have obviously benefitted from your education. Please state which word has been misspelled; it would be appreciated. Thank you.

Talking Poker:
No one will associate your forum with ; the links have been taken care of. You will have to change any I was unable to access. ;)

Changing the links was quite a creative exertion of power. Cheers.

Admit it: the time you have all dedicated to posting retorts could have been better spent at Pacificpoker, Absolutepoker or Fastpoker winning at the tables and accumulating rakes for your prizes. Less than two hours of play could qualify you for a prize. for it!

The Team
Real Perks. Real Value.

PS: Arf arf!

Aequitas58 02-15-05 05:10 PM

I would have no problem pointing out that you misspelled "peruse," (you spelled it "peruze") but you just went back and edited your post! For all those who care, he changed it to "read." Funny how you posted it yesterday, but you went back and changed it at 4:48p today.

I vote for a ban.

Enough of this. 02-15-05 05:26 PM

"The truth shall set you free"
The post you're alluding to was indeed changed at 4:48pm today, however, it was for the purpose of re-posting the links, not to change an earlier error. Perhaps the admin or moderators made a change while altering my links? I may have originally misspelled the word peruse using a "z" instead of an "s", and if so, I outwardly admit it. But know this: I made NO change to the word in attempts to cover up a flaw. (Look again at the post.) I've given up . (Was it used correctly Aequitas58?) My only flaw so far was posting under the guise of MikeMcD.

Regarding banning:
I've followed all the rules as they've been laid out. You are all simply drawn by the challenge. Cheers.

The Team
Real Perks. Real Value.

ChipFish 02-15-05 05:37 PM

Yeah... I changed it... didn't mean anything by it, just erased the word by mistake and couldn't remember what it was.... No biggie.
I've grown tired... slightly amused, but tired...
Keep the spam here and you can post until your fingers turn purple.


Aequitas58 02-15-05 05:43 PM

I'm done w/ this thread. Go play in traffic.

BrianSwa 02-15-05 06:54 PM

Not to sound happy about this thread but its a breath of fresh air that im not getting yelled at....Yippie. Seriously dude they asked you to stop and you go on argueing with them. Obviously this is exactly what you want, the attention so here is a idea everyone stop posting on here because that is what this guy wants. Either close the thread or let it die on its own!

ChipFish 02-15-05 07:05 PM


BrianSwa 02-15-05 07:32 PM

:) 02-16-05 08:34 AM

Thank you ChipFish
Hi ChipFish,
Thank you for corroborating my claim. Pokerfamous has a proposition for you--just here me out. If you've never had a real or play money account at Pacificpoker then I'll alter some of the requirements for you to prove the integrity of the site. Promotion 3 stipulates that if you join Pacificpoker through the links provided at Pokerfamous (i.e. click-through, and download/install the software), open a real money account, deposit USD$50 and play 100 raked hands then you'll receive a free 500-piece poker chip set. (Currently, I have ace/jack sets--just got them in, very nice.) BUT, in appreciation for your above statement, I will alter the requirements: If you click through the links at Pokerfamous (for promo 3), download/install the software, open a real-money account and deposit only USD$25, then I'll send you the chips in good faith and trust that you'll deposit the additional $25 later and play 100 raked hands at your leisure. All I need to do is verify that you've made the deposit and then I'll send the chips. You've made a worthy , so you'd probably be an effective advocate. Besides, I'd like to say thanks. Let me know if this interests you.
The Team
Real Perks. Real Value.

ChipFish 02-16-05 03:09 PM

1) I already have an account at Pacific.
2) Why would I deposit only $25?

ChipFish 02-16-05 03:49 PM

Hi ChipFish,
I was attemping to minimize the amount of time and money required for you to participate to show that is willing to take a risk to gain your business. The offer still stands if you want to do it through a friend. Let me know.
The Team
Real Perks. Real Value.

ChipFish 02-16-05 04:20 PM

You could always just send me the chips....
Think of it as advertising expense.
:cool: 02-16-05 04:41 PM

True. But I'm not certain that giving you a free set of chips will generate additional business. I'd send them if I were certain. Until then this offer serves to validate the legitimacy of in your mind and in the minds of the other forum members. The offer remains on the table for whenever you wish to take advantage of it. Cheers.
The Pokerfamous Team
Real Perks. Real Value. 02-16-05 04:44 PM

a change in the wind
(this messageboard, once treacherous and intense, now has a certain peace about it)

BrianSwa 02-16-05 06:19 PM

man do I have a splitting headace now from all this....

Talking Poker 02-16-05 10:15 PM

I hate to bring this up........

But why would anyone, especially members of this forum, take you up on this offer, when I offer BETTER (IMO) deals for signing uop to the same sites?

Like this deal, for example:

If people really want chips, so be it. I don't mind saving myself some money and ordering those for you instead. I can match this joker's offers.

I've avoided posting the obvious until now, figuring this thread would die soon enough, but I guess it needed to be said.

BrianSwa 02-16-05 10:28 PM

The memebers of this forum, including myself KNOW tp is good on all his offers so why in the world would we sign up through your links when we know TP is good for his and we dont know you are. And why in the world would you come on someone elses forum and try to get the users there to join your sites when on the main page of this site the same offers are there with better benifts.

Lets weigh the offers here

TP= awsome bonus for signing up and SS2

Spammer= some poker chips and probolly crappy bonus

for some reason I think TP outweighs your offer sorry going with TP offer!!!!
:mad: 02-17-05 08:18 AM

of no consequence
This, from a guy on probation.

The Team
Real Perks. Real Value. 02-17-05 08:36 AM

Not competing

Hi Talking Poker,
We offer a promotion--promo 1--with Fastpoker which you do not. Granted, like talkingpoker, has promos with Pacificpoker and Absolutepoker, but we did not post here to take business from you, merely to present another option. If you choose to alter your prizes to match or beat then I salute you. For all those who are interested in trying Fastpoker (including you) or wish to enter into a referral program to gain bigger and better prizes, feel free to do so. Cheers.
The Team
Real Perks. Real Value.

BrianSwa 02-17-05 09:24 AM


Is that the best you got? because the people on this forum did alot better then that. Now im for sure never gonna use your links, I need people with more imagination. 02-17-05 10:04 AM

big loss
It's the most I wish to devote to replying to your inconsequential posts. Cheers!

The Team.
Real Perks. Real Value.

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