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Robbie Robb 08-07-06 07:57 PM

Suppertime for baby brings two updates:
4:38pm: played a hand badly. 4,000

and then...

4:55pm: 90 players left. 5600

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 08:29 PM


Robbie Robb 08-07-06 08:47 PM

5800. 70ish left.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 08:54 PM

5725 at dinner break. Under 70 left.

MathBabe2 08-07-06 08:58 PM

Do we know what the payout structure is like for this event?

I found this () on pokerlistings but nothing about payout.

Yes, it's MathBabe...

EDIT: Just followed a sidebar and found an entertaining article on events 40-45 and why there is no coverage...

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 09:57 PM

haven't heard anything about the payout. Pokerpages also has MINIMAL coverage of event 43 as well. As in "the cards are in the air" initial post and that's it.

Robbie Robb 08-07-06 10:27 PM

"Im out. got all in w AK vs KQ preflop. he called my big all in reraise. turned gutshot straight on me. almost had a big stack. oh well."

omahilo 08-07-06 10:34 PM

shit thats worthless... what a joke.

Zybomb 08-07-06 10:53 PM

wack... i really thought another deep cash was in order

melioris 08-07-06 11:07 PM

That sucks TP.

Still a pretty good trip though. ;)

Talking Poker 08-07-06 11:55 PM

A pretty good trip, yes, but a disappointing finish. Then again, my AK beat AA all in preflop earlier, so I am in no position to complain about my AKs losing to KQ. Of course, I actualy played the hand correctly when I sucked out, where as the guy with the KQ made a terrible call. Here was the hand:

200/400 blinds, 50 ante. He raises in EP to 800. I know he's weak. I think about making a reraise but with only about 5k in my stack, I decide to just push in now. It's 4300 more for him to call... he thinks and then calls and turns up KQo. I'm supposed to double up here and have a nice stack, about 10 or 12 spots off the money, but no......... the flop comes T9x, and I know what's coming. The turn is a J, of course, and I'm drawing to 3 outs. No help for me on the river, and bam, I'm gone. It was nice plaing with Clonie and the guy to her right, Mickey, though. Good peeps.

Oh, and I did outlast Hellmuth.

The dancing comment, btw, was because I was in the UB VIP area grabbing a water and talking to Monica (KK's girlfriend) and some Eminem song came on that he apparently likes. He got up and started dancing right in front of us. I covered my eyes and said, "My eyes! It burns!" (Phil is not a good dancer), and then he stood right between us and kept dancing. It was actually pretty funny.

Anyhoo, after my disappointing bust out (I really though I was gonna cash again and maybe even get deep again - ANOTHER Final Table would have been really impressive), I headed over to the Bellagio and found Fabrice. He had busted out of the $10k and was sitting outside on the balcony in front of the water. He reached for his wallet as soon as he saw me and promptly paid me the $1000 he owed me. As I was counting it, one of the guys from his film crew came up to me and asked me if I had a minute. I said "Sure," and he handed me an ipod. I put the headphones in, having no idea what to expect until he started the video. It was a hand from the torney the other night where I had raised preflop and Fabrice moved all in over the top of me from the BB. They taped our conversation, and it's pretty cool. I'm basically trying to make a decision (even though deep down I knew I was folding the whole way) and I say, "I know exactly where I stand." Fabrice asks, "Tens?" I say, "Tens? No... I would have folded those by now. You have Jacks, right?" No response. After a bit more deliberation, I fold and he says, "I'll show if you show," so I show him AKs. He turns over JJ.

That's pretty cool, you have to admit. This will be aired in France at some point, and maybe in the U.S. too (on the Sundance Channel?). Fabrice said he'd tell me when he sees me next, saying, "You'll be on the tour, right?" Eh... not so much. I may make another stop or two this year, but that's about it.

Well, that's today's update. Tomorrow, I have to check out in the AM (so no more internet access), and then have nothing much going on until I fly out late tomorrow night... Unless pshabi calls me (he's due to arrive tomorrow), in which case I'll meet him for a drink. I'll probably swing by and say goodbye to my Vegas friends... but that's about it. No poker on the agenda.

Talking Poker 08-08-06 12:19 AM

I'm such an idiot. I just realized that my flight is TONIGHT!!!


Don't mind me while I pack, return my rental car and get myself to the airport... Yikes.

Zybomb 08-08-06 12:24 AM

WTF? What time?

Talking Poker 08-08-06 12:58 AM

11:50 PM - Red Eye. I'm all packed now, and about to shut down.

In theory, I'll be home, in my own bed, in about 10 hours. I doubt I'll even sleep on the plane tonight... maybe a bit on my second flight from Atlanta to Melbourne.

Aiight, I'm out. Later kiddies.

GTDawg 08-08-06 01:24 AM

Aww...why you gotta go through Atlanta at bumfuck o'clock in the morning?

Reel Deal 08-08-06 09:35 AM

That's the best time to go through that god awful airport! :thumbsup:

Nice trip TP, hope you made it home safely.

Talking Poker 08-08-06 11:32 AM

Home. Not sure if I should sleep or not....

Did I mention that in my haste to leave last night, I left a grand in the hotel safe? Ooops. I called them and they are going to ship it to me (in theory - there is paperwork to be done, of course).

GTDawg 08-08-06 11:48 AM

Stay awake. It will suck, but if you can make it through the day and stay awake until a normal bedtime, it'll be a ton easier.

It would be awful to go to sleep now and be wide awake from 3pm to 4am or something

omahilo 08-08-06 11:49 AM

glad to see you made it home, guess its time to start playing satellites for Aruba and Atlantis.

Robbie Robb 08-08-06 11:54 AM

If you're going to sleep - at least change my account so that I can change my title now before you do! :D

Quint 08-08-06 12:09 PM

Unless your inbound flight is late and you miss your connection (the last one of the night) because it's 2 concourses over and the sonsabitches at the counter won't comp you a room because your inbound flight arrived at the gate 30 minutes before your departing flight, leaving you "plenty" of time (their words) to make your connection.

God I hate that place...

Reel Deal 08-08-06 01:03 PM

Typical behavior of the high-roller. :thumbsup:

Talking Poker 08-08-06 03:19 PM

I can handle being up until 4 AM (that's standard for me). I'm just worried about being up until 9 AM or whatever... I did sleep for a couple of hours, but fortunately, a friend called and woke me up, needing my help with something on the computer. This actually got me out of bed and I'm good to go now.

RR - You are ready to roll with the Custom title, sir.

omahilo - Hell yes about the sattys. I haven't made a "deposit" from my bank to an online poker site in almost 3 years, but I think I am going to put some of my WSOP winnings into play online and hit a lot of satellites. After all, that money is part of my poker bankroll. Last year, none of my winnings went online, but me thinks it's time for a bankroll boost this year. I have no intentions of moving up limits in cash games, but I am going to try for a lot more trips, since that's what I love most about poker (and apparently where I play the best too).

Edit: This has been a fun thread, and one I will enjoy looking back on in the future, I'm sure... but I'm home from Vegas now, so it's to for it to get unstickied and begin it's decent.

omahilo 08-08-06 03:21 PM

I agree you gotta give it a try...

2 WSOP FTs and ITM at Aruba in one years time, thats not bad.

Talking Poker 08-08-06 03:28 PM

During yesterday's tourney, before I took that sick beat... I actually had an interesting though going through my head. If you don't count the 8773 player Main Event from this year, had I been able to make the Final Table yesterday (definitely a longshot, but you never know - I would have had an above average stack with 55ish left in the field if my AK held up), that would have been three "consecutive" Final Tables I made at the WSOP. That's pretty impressive, if I do say so myself..... but alas, that's just a fantasy.

My REAL pattern, including the Main Event, is that I make the Final Table every other event I play in. And that puts me in mighty good position for next year! :thumbsup:

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